Chapter 6: A Man...

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We were in the dance studio messing around like we usually do, messing around on Vlive.

Rm: hello everyone today we are all here

Everyone: hello!

Rm: so there isn't anything going on, we just wanted to go live!

So the ARMYs gave us random questions and stuff to do like truth and dare almost.

"I dare you to speak English for the next 20 minuets" RM said a dare out loud.

"Well that's easy" I laughed

"I agree" RM nodded his head as we just stared at the other members

"This very difficult" V said

"It's the effort that counts" I said as I patted his back, while RM laughs at the action.

20 minuets later

"Okay it's been 20 minuets we can go back to speaking Korean now" I told the others as they sighed in relief.

"Kyung can you say 'I love you' in Chinese please" Rm

"What's with all the languages?" I asked as the others just shrugged

"Wo ai ni" I looked at the camera as a bunch of hearts popped up

I'm using the English letters because I'm lazy to write in Chinese, and yes i am actually Chinese so yup.

But right after that the power went off but we were still live so I grabbed my phone in my pocket and used it as a flashlight

"I think the power went out" Jin said looking around

"Ya think?" Jungkook stared at him

"I guess we will end the vlive, say bye"

Everyone: BYE!!!!

We ended it and looked around the dark dance studio.

"I wonder why the power went out" I thought out loud

"Let's check it out" RM said as we all nodded and follow in line behind one another like this:


We went to the main floor since our dance studio was under ground we were walking around when we heard glass breaking, we all stopped,

"What was that?" V asked but no one answered him

"I don't want to know" Jin admitted
we continued to explore around.

"Where are our managers?" RM asked

"Maybe they went home?" I replied

"I don't think they would leave us here without telling us" Jimin responded

"Let's go to the power room and get the power going" RM said as we made our way to the power room across the whole building, it was already night and the power out didn't help.

We were at the main entrance of the entertainment, when the lights came back on.

"Well then I guess that solves that, oh hello boys sorry about the outage" our manager looked at us as we all sighed in relief

"OMG I thought a murderer came in!" Hobi breathed out

"Why would you think that?" He asked

"We heard glass breaking" RM told him

"Oh! Hahaha sorry that was me, I knocked over a flower vase trying to find the power room" he laughed as we laughed as well.

But the main doors opened and a man came in...

"Hello my dear Kyung..."

Ohhh spooks XD any who shout out to: SeventeenVernondino
Thanks for the story idea!!!!
You saved my life 😂 any who bye guys

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