Chapter 18: Idol Producer!

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Even though the show is over I'm still obsessed XD

Kyung talks to everyone, in Chinese except for his manager and his members while in China so he talks to Jackson in Chinese.
I will mention when he is not talking in Chinese when it happens.

Very long chapter almost 2000 words.

"You will be on the famous show Idol Producer by the production company, iQiyi" my manager explained as he handed me a sheet of paper while I continue eating breakfast, then he walked to his room again, probably to sort out my schedule, I looked at the paper,

Idol Producer Mentor/Producer Cast.

rap mentors: Wang Jackson and MC Jin,
Vocal mentor: Li Ronghao
Dance mentors: Zhou Jieqiong and Chen Xiao Xiao
Sub producer: Min Kyung (Meng Xiwang) (梦希望)
Head producer: Lay Zhang (Zhang Yixing)

I wanted to give him a chinese name, the literal translation for that is, dream Hope.

"I see, Jackson will be there" I continued eating breakfast as a certain king came along.

"HEY, KYUNG!" Jackson came along and sat down with me.

"Morning to you too" I laughed

"I still need to think of a nickname for you..."

"Why?" I tilted my head

"Cause I want to!"

"Well my Chinese name is Meng Xiwang, if that helps"

"I didn't know you had a Chinese name!" I looked at me

"You never asked"

"Hmmmmm, how about... Xi... Xixi?"

"I can roll with that"

"Okay! Xixi it is, oh yeah I'm guessing you read the fact that we'll be on the same program together!"

"Yeah, I didn't even know I would be sub producer until today" I scratched my neck.

"Don't worry I know most of the cast members, they're all very nice but serious when needed"

"I guess I need to be serious too, huh?"

"Yeah, it looks more professional"

"Well now that we're done eating, we still have 20 minutes until we get in the car" I stood up and so did Jackson, we walked around town, with disguises of course.

"Hey how about we buy clothes!" He suggested, then continued to drag me into many shops.

"You are sub producer so you need to have some kind of good fashionable clothes with you!" he pulled out many clothes, from suites to leather jackets to jumpers, once all shopping was done we ran back to the hotel to drop everything off and get into the car.

We got into the same car since we are going to the same place.

"I'm nervous but in a good way" I smiled as I looked out the window.

"Is this your first program?" he asked

"I've been on knowing brothers and interviews before but this is different"

"Ah, I see, Well don't be too nervous I'm sure you'll be fine, I can't wait to see a serious side to you, I'm sure the fans are anticipating as well" he pat my back.

"You know, I'm really thankful that you are here"

"Stop it, I'm gonna cry!" He wiped his imaginary tears.

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