Chapter 12: Interview

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First of all shoutout time! @ExtraSugary_Sweet thanks for commenting it made my day ❤️☺️

We were in America, on a tour and we had interviews, some with the whole group, some individual ones.

"Hello everyone today I'm with one of the rising kpop group me here, Igno of BTS"

"Thanks you for having me" I smiled

"We have a bunch of questions, so let's get to it,
What keeps you motivated to do what you do, cause it's not easy right?"

"Right, it's definitely tiring to be a idol but I think when fans comment that our music helped them, cheered them up, got them out of dark times as long as we helped, even in the smallest ways, it feels like we done our jobs, so that is what keeps me and our team motivated" I answered

"Great answer, some people want to know, how do you deal with haters?"

"Well, we are all aware that not everyone will like us and that's fine they are entitled to there own opinion and most of the times we will ignore it and focus on the nice comments but it makes me very mad when someone feels the need to call others names just to make them feel better of themselves, you don't say stuff like that unless you've been in their skin and say I'm happy and strong, through out the hole day and actually mean it"

"You had experience with haters first hand right?"

"Yes" I sadly smiled

"We're going a bit more personal and focusing on you now, not the group"


"What was your parents first thought when you wanted to become an idol?"

"...well...I never had parents..."

"I'm so sorry"

"It's fine I can talk about it, I was an orphan my dad...didn't get along with my mum something bad happened and my mum died and my dad was in jail while I was found by a orphanage"

"It must be hard to re-live all that"

"It fine, let move on"

"Right, so how many languages can you speak?"

"I can speak 3 and I'm learning 3 right now, I speak Korean, English and Chinese and I'm learning, Japanese, French and Spanish"

"Can you introduce yourself in those languages?"

"Sure! Hello guys, my name is Igno from BTS and it's nice to meet you,
           안녕 얘들 아, BTS에서 내 이름은 이노이고 너를 만나서 반갑다."
For Korean I google translated it

"What about the other 3?"

"I can only say hello and my name is Igno"

"Well go ahead!"

"Hola me llamo Igno...que tal"
"Bonjour je m'appelle Igno, ça va?"
"Umm こんにちは私の名前はイグノです、あなたはいいですか?"

"Wow so many languages"

"Well I want to be able to talk to all my fans" I smiled

"I see Well next question what was your first impression on the members"

"Well I met them all at the same time but when was alone, it was with Jungkook first, he kinda gave me a mean glare without meaning to so he scared me a bit, Suga hyung, he came of as lazy, when I first saw Jin I felt like he was a mum I never had, Rm gave the reliable big brother vibe and V gave the weird little brother vibe, Jimin was really kind although he seemed hesitant about me and JHope was really nice and welcoming!"

"Haha so do you have any plans for the future?"

"We are thinking of going to other countries, not because we're like 'hey we need to take over this place now' but because we want to meet all of our fans and give them the opportunity to meet us"

"That really sweet, last question what is a day like for you?"

I don't know if this is correct so don't get triggered and be rood

"Ah, well we wake up at 5:05am and have until 5:30 to get ready then we go to the studio and have dance practice until 8:30 we have a small break and start our rapping/vocal classes all the way until 11:50————

"Without eating breakfast?"

"Yes, we then get breakfast at 12 and on the schedule we might have something planned like a fan meet, concert or a program to shoot until 3:00 and we have a small break then we go back to practice at 3:30 until 5 to get lunch, and then we have a little team bonding moment where we share what's on our minds and if anything is troubling us that ends around 7 we continue practice until 9:00 to get dinner and then practice all the way up to 1 or 2am in the morning  and then sleep"

"You guys get less than 4 hours of sleep?!"

"Yeah but we are all used to it now, we go through all that just so we can see our fans smile, we do that because it's what we love to do"

"You guys are very dedicated"

"Thank you"

"No thank you for coming, well that's all we have today guys it was very nice meeting you"

"Same here" we shook hands and the filming ended.

"Kyung-ssi you have a program to be on in 3 hours we need to go"
A manger told me



I'm starting to run low on the main story idea so I might start writing side chapters and AUs, don't worry I want to continue this book until it's properly finished.

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