We followed him down the steps and through a long dark tunnel which came to a sudden dead end I blinked quickly and gasped as I watched the guard push a hidden door.
The room inside was illuminated with bright colours and a beaded curtain that moved even though there was no breeze, I was amazed and hypnotised by the bright colours and the elaborate designs that decorated the vast space.
There were two long cushions which sat surrounding a camp fire which burned beautifully, giving the room a cosy comforting feeling.
On top of one a woman sat elegantly dressed. “Xavier, Why have you graced me with your presence?” she enquired. The centaur dipped his head bowing respectively to his mistress.
“My lady, I have brought the son of Adam and the daughter of Eve” he said, avoiding the stone cold glare.
Her face suddenly brightened, it was very hard to tell how old she was, she had the maturity of an adult, yet the gracefulness of a child as she danced across the room towards us, her black hair flowing like a vale behind her.
“Welcome son and daughter of the mortal world.” She smiled “so you have come, as the chronicle of the Narnians foretold, do sit” she beckoned.
I did not move, my face was set, focusing on the woman in front of me. “I want my friend back” I said, my voice sounding more pleading than demanding. Her eyes watched me, Daniel’s eyes watched me as if I had gone starking-mad. Daniel grabbed my arm, pulling me close to him, his voice sounded urgent and harsh.
“Watch how you talk to her Alex, she’s powerful, you really don’t want to get on her bad side.”
Suddenly I felt like my skin was being torn from my body. The queen stepped closer, “you dare come into my house and order me around?” her dark hair was blazing, blue fire glowed on the tips of her hair, the hair was streaking wildly in all directions.
I felt like I was suffocating, my skin now tearing painfully upwards, the skin on my fingers was tearing off revealing the bone and the flesh underneath, I screamed and fell to the ground.
“Stop, please” Daniel wailed, his arms were around me, my head flicked painfully backward.
“We’ll sit, just stop!” his voice was growing feint but the queen smiled and it all evaporated, all of the pain, my skin was like it never changed, but I clung to Daniel’s arms, whimpering softly as tears ran down my cheeks, he lifted me onto the seat opposite the queen, I rested my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped protectively around me as he glared at the queen.
She sat there smiling at us affectionately. “I am Celine, queen of the seelie court, daughter of Lilth, mother of all down world.” She said, her voice echoed in my ears, “it seems your friend has fallen in to our trap, he was trespassing, his punishment would be death, had he not been so naïve, it was almost pitiful but I will offer you shelter, in return for a favour and will return your companion”
Daniel and I nodded in astonishment. We were shown to a large room with many beds, me and Daniel curled onto one bed, I held him tightly as the sound of his heart beat and heat of his skin soothed me, we fitted perfectly into each other, his chin resting gently on my head, I slowly went to sleep.

Road Runners
Teen FictionYou had to kill, they had to die, you slit their throats, yet wondered why. The gifted saint, that you once knew, is lying dead, infront of you. And as you watch, wounded retreat, listen to his slow heart beat. The valient soldier, you just slayed, ...