Sebastian came into the room. I had been waiting for what felt like hours, he finally came in. The ropes had left deep rope burns the skin felt raw and rough.
“Wakey, wakey” he smiled sweetly. “so, how did our little rebel sleep last night”
I glared at him, forcing all the hatred I could manage into my cold stare. “You can kiss my…”
He walked up to my bed, a hard blow connected with my cheek, knocking my head painfully to the side. He grabbed my face holding it tightly in his hands squeezing my cheeks.
“We’ll have none of that, today I’m going to train you, you’re weak and I’m going to change that.”
He untied the rest of my ropes with ease and forcefully hauls me to my feet.
He dragged me to my feet and out of the room, he hurried me down the corridor.
We were back in the training room. I stood there arms crossed and stared directly into his pale blue eyes.
“Come at me” he commanded and braced himself for a blow. I stood there confused for a moment, then I raced towards him, it all happened so fast, I he gripped my wrist and flipped me straight ever his back, I landed hard on my back, the blow knocking all the air out of my lungs.
“Get up, try that again, you never think, always so hard headed, did you even think about how you were going to attack me or were you just focused on how much you hate me?” he asked. I lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling, he had a point, I had only thought about hurting him.
“By the way how’s your right ankle” he asked. I got to my feet bewildered, I winced in pain, when had he done it, how had he done it. He answered my question as if reading my mind.
“When you hesitated, before you ran at me I sized you up looking out for any weaknesses. Then when you ran I noticed you are right footed and right handed meaning your right side is stronger than your left so I changed my stance aiming for your right side, just before you toppled over, I threw you off balance by hitting your right ankle, but you were too high on adrenaline to notice you had already been injured. Now get up and try again” he commanded.
I got to my feet ignoring the pain in my ankle I watched him for a moment, trying to apply that I knew about Sebastian, he was left handed strong and fast. But this new Sebastian, I knew nothing about.
I raced towards him now, he swept a leg aiming to trip me, I jumped over it and kicked him hard in the ribs, I aimed my next kick at his face, he caught my leg yanking it painfully and sweeping my other leg from underneath me, I ended up on the ground. Again, this was getting annoying.

Road Runners
JugendliteraturYou had to kill, they had to die, you slit their throats, yet wondered why. The gifted saint, that you once knew, is lying dead, infront of you. And as you watch, wounded retreat, listen to his slow heart beat. The valient soldier, you just slayed, ...