I felt almost happy, for the first time in days, I was holding Daniel and his arms were wrapped around me I could feel his warm breath on my face and the heat of this body, I was almost reluctant as I had to slowly peel his arms off me, my skin warm and sticky underneath.
I climbed out of the bed, the floor felt ice cold under my bare feet, but I wondered around lazily padding towards the door, he was standing there, his eyes fixed on me, I smiled lazily at him, there was something different about him but I couldn’t figure out what.
Suddenly he grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him clasping his hands firmly on my mouth. He dragged me into another room, I was shoved me in and he shut the door, it clicked locking tightly.
My mind was whirling as he advanced, he slapped me hard on my cheek, I stood there stunned, a single tear rolled down my cheek, I was trembling shocked, he pulled me up, pinning against the wall.
“You’re weak” he spat angrily, he slapped me hard, I fell to the floor, my vision started to darken.
I woke up tied to a pole in a training room. “It seems that you have allowed yourself to be weakened by your series of unfortunate events, but don’t worry I’ll soon beat that out of you.” He smiled and his eyes lit up. Yes, that was what was different, his eyes, they were no longer as dark as night, they were now a pale silvery blue, like light turquoise, he had changed, he felt like a complete stranger, I didn’t know him.
“You are not Sebastian” I spat bitterly, he waltzed over to me, his warm hands touched my face cupping my badly bruised cheek.
“So you aren’t as stupid as I thought” he laughed, “No I’m not Sebastian, but I’m just borrowing his body, I may decide to keep it, with someone as cute as you, I might just stick around.” He smiled silkily.
Daniel walked in slowly and saw Sebastian with his hand on my face, my other cheek rosy red. “What are you doing?” he asked looking horrified.
“Aah” he signed “ and here is my sweet little brother, you were always such a coward, could never be a leader, always trying to wiggle your way out of a fight, you sicken me, maybe you’ll fight for your little girl friend.”
He turned to me then, his lips pressed against mine, hard, his mouth tasted sour and bitter.
Daniel lit up with anger and raced straight into Sebastian, Sebastian flipped Daniel and sent him colliding into a wall. He had moved so fast, I had never seen anyone move that fast.
“Is that the best you’ve got, now let’s try that again but this time with feeling” he taunted.
Daniel was already on his feet, racing towards him, he threw a punch, which Sebastian dodged effortlessly, Sebastian landed three punches into Daniel, hitting him twice in the face and once in the stomach, leaving him badly winded. Daniel landed on the floor again with a sickening crunch.
“Ooh, there goes the first rib, I’d call that strike one” he chuckled as Daniel got slowly to his feet. His lip was split and his nose was bleeding, he spat a sick sticky red concoction of blood and bile.
Daniel’s fighting became more sluggish, clumsy and misjudged, stepping slower. This became less of a fight more like a beating. Sebastian hit Daniel in the face and his eye began to swell shut as Sebastian swept his leg underneath Daniel, sending him to the ground with another sickening crunch.
“You want to be careful how you fall Danny boy, you don’t want to crack your head open, that would be horrible, defeat only at strike two.”
He got up again, he didn’t look too good, his eye was swollen and so was his left ankle, but he got up any way. “Is she worth all this, really?”
He turned to me now “wow he must really love you, I hope you feel same way, how selfish are you, you don’t even ask him to stop tsk, tsk, tsk” he said shaking his head.
Daniel walked slowly now, his left arm clutching his side. He reached slowly as if he were going to punch Sebastian, he missed and Sebastian punched him, laughing at him. Enough was enough why was he still fighting, I wanted him to just stop.
“Stay down Daniel!” I cried, but Daniel ignored my cries and kept trying to fight. “Stay down Daniel please” Sebastian laughed at this and mimicked me “Stay down Daniel please, stay down” he giggled, I sounded like a damsel in distress and felt like one too.
Sebastian punched Daniel in the mouth and Daniel went down like a stack of bricks and did not get up, Sebastian advanced on him landing many punches to Daniel and finally ending the fight by lifting up Daniel’s left leg and stamping his heel into it, snapping the bone in two. There was a dent where the bone had broken, leaving it twisted and mangled.
“Daniel” I cried at the top of my lungs, he groaned in pain. “ And there goes strike three, you’re out!” Sebastian announced smiling with pleasure. “Guards!” Sebastian called, “take this mangled little mess to the infirmary, I’ll come and set the bones after I’m done with this one” he smiled, turning his gaze to me as Daniel’s body was taken away by two people with wings, lifting him gently and carefully onto a stretcher.
Sebastian walked towards me, in his usual graceful stride.
“Did you enjoy our little show my darling?” he asked, I stared into his eyes and spat a great wad of spit into his face.
A fast backhand connected with my face, leaving me dizzy, he pulled my face close to him. “That was but only a fraction of what I’m going to do to you, I will show you true pain.” That sounded like a promise, the blood in my veins turned to ice, never had I once feared Sebastian or considered him a threat, but this guy, this stranger was dangerous, a ruthless cold blooded killer.

Road Runners
Teen FictionYou had to kill, they had to die, you slit their throats, yet wondered why. The gifted saint, that you once knew, is lying dead, infront of you. And as you watch, wounded retreat, listen to his slow heart beat. The valient soldier, you just slayed, ...