It became less of a fight with Daniel, it was more like a deadly waltz, reacting to each other’s movements, running, chasing each other bouncing off the walls , leaping over each other like acrobats.
We laughed as sweat rained down our faces.
“Stop!” Sebastian suddenly shouted snapping us out of our beautiful dance, we continued to bounce off the walls, ignoring him. This was our perfect moment.
But, however Sebastian had other ideas, suddenly he grabbed Daniel and I slamming us into each other. We both landed on a heap on the floor.
“What’s wrong with you!” I shouted.
Daniel lay on the floor groaning, it appears my foot might have connected with something important.
Sebastian stood there grinning like it was the funniest thing in the world, which I have to admit, at the time it was.
“This is not meant to be a game!” he growled, his voice turning serious. “I am training you for a reason, if you two idiots can’t take this seriously, then you will die.” He said with a grim expression on his face.
Daniel came up behind me.
“Hey, what’s that on your waist?” Daniel asked changing the subject, I looked down to see what he was staring at.
And there it was just like in the dream, a black scorpion, burned right into my waist.
“It’s the mark of the Scorpio, your little girlfriend and I made a little deal” he said looking directly at me, I wasn’t sure it had actually happened, but there was the proof, as clear as day. I didn’t look directly at him, just stared guiltily down at the ground.
“what’s he talking about?” Daniel asked.
“It’s nothing” I replied
“She’s lying” Sebastian sang playfully.
“Shut up!” we both shouted simultaneously.
“Alex, what is he talking about?” Daniel turned to me ignoring Sebastian completely.
“I said it’s nothing, look it doesn’t matter, can we just get back to training?” I desperately wanted to get off this subject so I turned away hoping they would take the hint.
Daniel caught me by the arm and pulled me close to him. His eyes burned with anger. “You better start talking by the time I get to three or I’m going to get seriously pissed off.” He warned forcing me to look into his eyes.
“One…” he began
I didn’t know what to say, the truth, no it just sounded stupid.
“Two…” he continued his grip tightening on my arm, I was beginning to lose feeling in my arm desperately trying to pull it free, but his hold was firm.
“Three!!!” Sebastian shouted out obviously enjoying me squirm.
“Alright!” I said, “fine I’ll tell you. Memories, he promised he would leave my memories alone if I did what he said, he said that things would be easier that way”
“And you listened, how could you be so stupid?” he asked tapping the side of my face.
I could feel the tears prick my eyes, he was right it was stupid, I tried swatting him away, he grabbed that arm too, yanking it hard, that’s when he saw the second mark.
Daniel exploded as a new wave of anger bubbled its way to the surface, he ran knocking Sebastian to the ground hitting him square in the face.
Daniel continued punching as my marks began to burn, the harder he punched, the stronger they burned, pulsing vigorously until it was all too much.
“Daniel!” I screamed falling to my knees. The pain was unbearable my skin felt like it was on fire. Daniel turned in my direction, catching my head before it hit the ground.
“What did you do to her you dick!” Daniel shouted over his shoulder at Sebastian.
“Every time you hit me I turned up the heat, I imagine the pain must be excruciating.” He smirked.
“Well stop, you’re hurting her!” He shouted almost pleadingly at Sebastian.
“First give me your arm.” He said holding out his arm for Daniel’s.
“Don’t!” I shouted at Daniel, I knew exactly what he was going to do, I screamed in pain as I was hit by another scolding hot wave that blazed and burned longer and more intense than the last.
“Your arm Daniel, just give me your arm, it’s the only way to make all of her pain go away.”
The edges of my vision were already turning hazy. I saw Daniel reluctantly hold out his arm towards Sebastian
“Daniel, no” I begged, but it was already too late, the air was filled with the sound of Daniel’s agonized shrieks and the scent of burning flesh.
Sebastian kicked Daniel to the ground, holding him down with his knee, he dug the red hot poker into Daniel’s lower spine just as he’d done with me. Daniel tried to hold back the scream this time, which only made Sebastian push the poker in deeper until he heard the satisfactory scream, I passed out then, unable to bear the pain any longer.

Road Runners
أدب المراهقينYou had to kill, they had to die, you slit their throats, yet wondered why. The gifted saint, that you once knew, is lying dead, infront of you. And as you watch, wounded retreat, listen to his slow heart beat. The valient soldier, you just slayed, ...