( 3; the .Mind || fukk )

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( Chapter Three; the .Mind||fukk )

"Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Dad! DAD!" I fought through the sudden darkness, but I didn't understand for sure what I was afraid of.

"Hale honey, wake up!" I was jolted out of my confusing nightmare.

Père was holding onto me like that of a frightened child. My heart was racing in my chest, I was scared out of my wits. My brain was scattered with fragments of what could be real and what should be real. I opened my eyes and they frantically searched around the room. I saw Kenny clutching her hands with a look of distraught on her face. Mon père held Sophie against him, she was crying softly, he had a look of concern mixed with terror plastered in his face. For a second I didn't know where I was.

I tried to get my breathing under control as Père was practically crushing me in his hold. I noticed we were both on the floor. Did I fall out my bed? My mind wasn't caught up to the fact that the nightmare was indeed over. Something was wrong, it was not adding up correctly. My eyes continued to search around the room wildly, who was I looking for? I know I felt an unknown presence around me and it continued to scare me.

Too many emotions crashed down onto my head and I felt as if it was suffocating me. So I wrapped my loose arms around my Father and squeezed my eyes tight in fear.

"Please don't send me away. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Even with my eyes closed I felt the tears flowing out of them and I repeated. "Please don't send me away. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I felt more arms wrap around me.

"We would never." I heard mon père say.


Someone's hair was tickling my nose waking me up out of my sleep. Père had me cradled in his arms, -comforting but weird- Sophie was tucked in between us. Her hair was everywhere which explained the tickling. Kenny was on my other side hugging one of my legs. I wanted to stick my toes in her mouth for a good laugh. I didn't though cause she would be mad at me, and we didn't need tone on bad terms right now. Mon père was cuddled up above our heads with his nose buried in Kellan's hair.

How did they end up in my room, why in the world are we all sprawled out on the floor? I shrugged it off because it was a good feeling to be surrounded by them. Mon père started stirring first, which caused Kellan to shift, so Sophia started yawning and eventually Kenny realized she was hugging my leg as her eyes opened.

"What time is it mon àmant? Are we late?" He yawned out.

"No we still have some time. Kenny. Come on sweetie. Time for school Bug." Mon père picked up the half awake munchkin. Kenny rubbed her eyes as she got up and followed after them.

Père ruffled my already messed up greasy hair. It definitely needed to be washed.

"You alright honey?" I rolled my eyes at the embarrassing girly endearment.

"I'm a dude Dad." He chuckled a little, then his face smoothed out into something serious.

"You do not have to go to school if you don't want to. Last night was intense for you." I looked at him with confusion set in my eyes.

"What? What happened last night, and since when do you know me to miss school."

"You don't remember?" I narrowed my eyes, I reached out and felt the top of his forehead.

"Are you feeling okay Dad?"

"Hale, you woke up in the middle of the night screaming your lungs out. You were terrified son. You kept repeating, 'please don't send me away.' You also kept apologizing. Honey, you don't remember anything?" I shook my head slowly, I tried to summon the memory of last night but I got nothing. Everything was blank.

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