( 5; the .Birth || day )

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( Chapter Five; the .Birth||day )

I am not sick, I am seriously not sick.

Sneeze! Sneeze.

Damn I'm sick. Look at how cute karma can be, I've been sick for the past two days. Started out as a light cough, then the stuffiness and watery eyes. We figured I just had some sinus allergies, nope not this lucky kid. My common cold turned into the common flu, and I am just so disgusted with it at this point.

Sneeze. Sneeze. Sneeze.

I blew my nose crumpling up the tissue throwing it on the floor. My floor was covered with tissues, you'd think it had snowed in my room. I'm so pissed off right now that I'm stuck in bed, isolated from everyone on my very own birthday.


My lovely family came bursting into my room singing Happy Birthday. Père was holding a tray in his hand. Nasty homemade soup probably. Everyone else had gifts which made me perk up and sit up, I rubbed my itchy eyes. Here's why I love my family unconditionally. They had the nerve to all have on surgical masks covering their noses and mouths like I was contagious. It was funny nonetheless and I was just excited that they were thinking of me.

They finished up the Happy Birthday song and I clapped like a little boy while grinning.

"You know cake usually symbolizes that there is a birthday happening." I said as he sat the soup down onto my end table. "That's selfish Père." I said grimacing at the soup. Sophie jumped out of mon père's arms and crawled into the bed, she hugged me.

"Happy Bwirthdway Haleeee." I kissed her forehead and laughed as the mask was far to big for her face. I already knew the idea had came from Kennedy's prank filled brain.

Sneeze. Sneeze. Cough.

"What'd you get me?! Give me." I said with too much enthusiasm looking at the gifts that they'd been trying to hide.

"Open mine first." I took the medium sized gift wrapped box from Kennedy and ripped it open.

"Whoa Kenny." A brand new 645mm Canon EO5 camera. "Sweet! Thank you Ken." She curtsied.

Sophie gave me her little gift box next. I opened it up revealing a homemade bracelet that read, 'Haleee Luvs Munchkin.' I could have cried, instead I sneezed. I hugged her again kissing her forehead once again. I put the bracelet on.

"I'll never take it off munchkin." Mon père handed me a large gift wrapped box that I wasted no time ripping open.

"Holy sh-shittake mushrooms!" Brand new touch screen HP hand held 1260i laptop. "No freaking way Dad!"

"And this goes with that." He put a debit card in my hand. "$2,000 limit to get whatever you need to accessorize it. Chromieo is going to be jealous." Now I was crying just a little bit. They all crowded around me giving me a group hug and I have never felt more thankful in my life for these people. My family.

"Alright Hale. Eat that soup." That really ruined my moment. Ew.

"Ew. It's going to make me more sicker, don't you see I'm turning green just by looking at it." Kennedy laughed while her and Sophie left the room.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy, I worked hard on that soup." I laughed until I coughed.

"Leave the cooking to mon père Dad!" Mon père laughed this time as Père faked like he was offended.


I was drained, I still could not seriously believe I was sick on my birthday. This is just punishment and karma knows this is just plain mean.

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