( 10; the .Potion || pills )

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( Chapter Ten; the .Potion||pills ) [Kourtland]

I jumped up out of my sleep hearing my phone blasting my ringtone. I grabbed it quickly not wanting to wake up the lovely mass of bodies that were tangled around me.

"Hel-llo?" I said trying to adjust my voice from the tiredness.

"Sweetie, can you come home. I'm not-" I sat up immediately listening to the trembling in my mom's voice.

"Mama what's wrong. Did something happen? Where's Jay?" I asked her.

"Just come home okay." I hung up the phone quickly.

I fell to the floor trying to get out of the bed. I looked up nervously to see if I had woken anyone of them up. Sure enough Max's head was popped up peeping out of one eye. I could not find my proper clothing, so I ended up with Hale's shirt on, a pair of Max's jeans and Desmond's white high top pumas. Yes I looked throwed together.

"What's wrong?" Max asked sitting up. "Oaks what's up." I didn't want to concern him, because technically I am panicking. I'm calmly but silently panicking.

My Mom, the best woman God could have ever created for me, was sick. She's been sick for a couple years now and I'm scared to death that she's reaching that point. She's such a strong woman, she's always taken card of me. She's always giving Jason her last, whether she has it or not. She's done everything to support me as a single father and I couldn't fathom life without her. What would I do without her?

"Babe. Kourtland, I'm coming with you." I came around to his side of the bed.

"I'll be back. Take care of them. Besides you have practice in a few hours so get some rest." I gave him a small kiss on his cheek.

"You know I love you right Kourt? I'd do anything for you." I smiled then leaned down and kissed him fully on his cute pink lips.

"I know baby. I love you. I'll be back my highness." I said making him grin. I pecked his lips quickly and then rushed out of the house.

As the wind whipped past my face, my bike almost breaking the speed limits. I didn't need any new tickets though, so I obediently did the limit. I don't know if I should be seriously worried or not.

My Mom normally has a good grasp on all situations critical, but she sounded so detached and shaken on the phone. Something was terribly wrong and I pray nothing happened to my baby boy. Please don't let it be my baby boy.


I saw the flashing ambulance lights before I even made it down to my street. Night had longed since turned to day on the ride over here. One ambulance, one police car, and a few nosy neighbors. I sped into the driveway nearly wrecking my bike as I stopped it kicking out the kickstand. I could distinctly make out the cries of Jason. At this point I'm in a frenzy, my nerves are all over the place and my worst fears may be coming true.

I threw the door open rushing into the house nearly collapsing. A police officer held my baby boy trying to calm him down and he rocked my toddler for comfort. Two paramedics were kneeled down over my Mom zipping up that dreadful black body bag that no one thought they'd ever want to see.

"Kourtland Oakley?" The officer asked and all eyes were now on me.

I shook my head trying to imagine that the body bag wasn't there. That my baby boy wasn't screaming his lungs out reaching for me. That this was all apart of some twisted nightmare, that there is no way this was true. Hell no. There was no way that Francine Oakley was in that body bag. She's in the kitchen, baking. Right?

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