( 1; the .Hale || raiser )

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WARNING ---- Minor Mature Content

( Chapter One ; the .Hale||raiser )

I knocked lightly on Mr. Gates classroom door before walking in. I made no eye contact with none of the students that should have been busy in their lesson. I passed a note to Mr. Gates and waited patiently. I did take a peek at the guy I was about to pull out of the history class. He acted as if he were concentrating but we both know better.

"Kourtland, follow Hale to the principals office." Mr. Gates said. I nodded my head towards him and decided to wait outside the classroom for Kourtland.

I met Kourtland Oakley about a year ago when I was a sophomore. I was a junior now and he a senior. Do not let the corny name fool you, Kourtland was our school's favorite bad boy. I'm an office aide most of the time when I have free periods. I pull students out of class whenever they're needed by the office, assistant principal, counselors, or principal. Kourtland got pulled out frequently which is how we met.

It's safe to say he and I are best friends, he'll never admit it because he likes to mask his emotions and play the tough guy. He was really a decent and special guy however. No matter how much weed he smoked or fights he caused, he was a sweetheart. Don't tell him that though.

Kourtland came out of the classroom with his bag slung carelessly over his shoulder. As he closed the door he blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes and we preceded to walk down the secluded hallway to the office. I glanced back to see if he was following, his eyes were basically burning holes in my ass while he stared. It was no secret Kourtland had a thing for me, I had a big crush on him. He loved staring at my ass every time he got a chance, he loved touching me, and he loved stealing kisses from me.

His presence was powerful and always filled with an aura of sex. His entire appearance screamed trouble. Kourtland hand an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing, and a dimple piercing. He had piercings I didn't know about yet. He was interestingly unique to me. His tattoos were as beautiful as him, I wish I had my Dad's (Alex) gift of drawing because I would spend my hours drawing and sketching Kourt. My favorite tattoo was the colorful lotus looking flower that covered the side of his neck. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to suck it off.

"You keep thinking like that sleet, I'll end up taking your virginity in the boys bathroom." I couldn't hide my obvious blush.

"I wouldn't mind." I mumbled and by the smirk on his face I knew he had heard me. "What'd you do this time?"

"Got into a fight with Briggs." He said with an all to knowing shrug. I stopped walking and turned around to stare at him.

"Because of me." It wasn't a question, because it's always because of me a lot of the times. I hated that I got him in trouble for things he shouldn't be held accountable for.

"He was spewing some garbage about you that I didn't like. So I punched him in his filthy ass mouth-repeatedly." He said no more about it as we resumed walking.

Crimshaw Briggs, my sickening and most current bully. He was relentless sometimes in just torturing me for the hell of it. The first time he pummeled my face in, Kourtland came to my rescue. Since that day, he's always been there rescuing me. He keeps Briggs at bay and away from me. Kourtland made things so confusing though, he defends me, he's always listening to my pointless rants, and then out of the blue he disappears for days at a time. I love him however.

"Maxwell has a game tonight. Your coming with me right?" I already knew what the answer was, he'd been acting distant all day.

"No. I won't be here after school. I have to take off for a few days." We came to a halt just outside of the office.

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