( R; the .Quick || rant )

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Don't bite my head off please, but you know we as Authors love our sometimes pointless and random notes. It's really a pet peeve of mine but just maybe this one might be relevant.

First: I loved the feedback that I got from ( the .FUN||note ), that was fun I admit. I appreciate that you took time out to give me honest opinions and your thoughts and ideas of where I should take The Boys In My Room. You know I read other works and a lot of Authors get frustrated by their commentators, they may say, 'don't predict my story, or don't tell me what to write.' Which brings us to my second point.

Second: You already know my philosophy .. 'Write whatever you want, write for you first, then include your audience.' However, once you've put, -leave me a comment- then you just gave your readers/fans free reign to say how they feel. Technically that's what you asked for. Baby, it's just an opinion so don't get so stressed out about it. I don't think their trying to necessarily dictate to what your writing, but letting you know how they honestly felt about what you've written. Which is why I have a point three.

Three: I'm going to address the, ( the .Play||book ) chapter. I enjoyed writing that chapter because you got to see the relationship through Maxwell's eyes. And not only that but it revealed his big secret. I can see why some say their confused by it, because I didn't set up a series of events that created so much suspense about his character being this Prince. Am I mad your confused? Hell no ;) I love the Maxwell chapter.

When I write, I like to jump constantly, because I just want to get to the point without it being so boring, and using filler chapters and all that extra stuff. My last point then you can scold me for this rant. -leave me a comment- lol!

Four: THANK YOU! For your loyalty and support on this book. I'm astounded as always at the success so far. Over 3K views, more than 200 votes, and an outstanding amount of comments. Sweetheart this Author is not mad at that.

-giving you the hand clap you deserve-

Now, I do have chapter 7 ready for you ;) I don't write these crazy notes without a chapter being prepared. Guess what! There's a surprise in it! I see you guys are rooting for a spilt off .. Max&Des ---- Hale&Kourt. Hmm? We'll see.


-whispering- You should already know, The Boys In My Room derived from The Guy In Apartment 333. So apparently someone left this comment for me ...

|| @SweezyBreezy make a sequel......I don't know......some alternate universe.......do something ||

---> Coming Soon » Remember The Guy In 333. (Title open for change.)

-looking over my shoulder- I have the first chapter ;) Should I finish our Haleboy's book first? Would you like a Sneak Peek. Are you screaming, "POST IT ALREADY!"
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- Shanti. (I'm proud if you read this quick rant all the way through. Hehehe.)

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