Chapter 2.

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*knock knock knock*

*Phone rings*

“Ehhhh hello?” I say into my phone as I wake up. “Hey it’s Niall, are you home? I thought I was helping you girls today?” Niall says into the speaker rather loudly, or it could just be because I’m tired.

“Oh shit yeah sorry I just woke up hang on” I say before hanging up the phone. I quickly chuck on one of Brads old shirts that was on the floor and make my way to the door. “Sorry Niall, I didn’t realize the time.” I say before realizing he isn’t alone. “Oh hey.” I say shocked, trying to pull the shirt down to not be so revealing.

“Hey” Niall and his friend both laugh, “This is Liam he came to help, he had nothing else to do.” They both smile before walking past me into the apartment.

“Where’s Charly and Panda?” Niall asks as they take a seat on the couch. “I don’t know…” I say before spotting a note on the fridge “Went out for breakfast apparently.” I reply after reading the note.

“Okay, well what were you planning on doing today?” he asks me, I need to stop looking at him but he’s just so beautiful its hard not too stare.

“I haven’t planned that far ahead yet, give me a chance to wake up” I laugh as I sit on one of the boxes we haven’t unpacked yet. “Well we are going out tonight if you would be interested?” Niall says as he gets up from the couch to open a box.

“It sounds like fun but I can’t, I have no one to watch Panda.” I say as I pick up one of her toys off the ground.

“Our mate’s sister Kate would, she loves kids and doesn’t like coming out with us.” Niall says as he pulls out a pair of my lace underwear from inside the box. I jump up and snatch them from him; the smirk on his face makes me want to slap him silly. “Nice knickers.” He laughs and I close the box and take it into my room before he can venture any further through it.

“So what do you say?” Niall asks before the front door opens and in flies an excited, very chocolaty Panda. “Mummy, we had chocowate pancakes” Panda says as she lifts her arms gesturing for me to pick her up. “I can see the evidence all over your face monster” I laugh and poke her nose causing her to giggle.

“Say to what?” Charly asks, taking a seat on the bench. “We were trying to convince Katy to come out with us tonight, do you want to come?” Niall replies. “Yes! We need a night out but what about Panda?” Charly says making faces at Panda causing her to laugh and whip chocolate all over my shirt.

“Our mate Harry, his sister would look after her.” Niall says as I put Panda down and clean her face with a wet cloth. “Fine, I’ll come.” I say watching Panda on the balcony playing with her bear, she looks so cute.

Panda looks a lot like me although she has blonde hair like her dad, she is such a beautiful little girl and I am so grateful that she is my daughter. “Earth to Katy” Charly lightly slaps my face laughing at me, “What?” I say hitting her hand away. “Daydreaming again?” she laughs.

“Liam said they will help us unpack the last of the boxes then we will go out tonight, okay?” Charly says, “Yeah okay, I’m going to have a shower first though.” I say before walking into my bathroom.


“Panda go finish unpacking your room and bring the boxes out here when you’re done and we can jump on them.” I say as I put the food I’ve just bought in the fridge. I watch as Panda excitedly runs down the hall to her room “Katy is really fit” Niall says walking into the kitchen.

“I’ll be your wingman and get you in tonight” I laugh winking a Niall. “Awesome, I’m Liam and Harry’s wingman tonight apparently” he laughs grabbing himself a glass of water. “Is that what you do every time you boys go out? Just wingman each other?” I say trying not to laugh. “No, well yeah” Liam and Niall both say and laugh together.

I ask as I finish unpacking the last box of our DVDs, our collection covers a full floor to ceiling shelving wall. “Wow that’s a lot of DVDs!” Liam says with his mouth wide open in shock. “Yeah we have a small obsession” I laugh as Panda running down the hall pushing boxes with her.

“Can we jump on them now? Please!” she asks excitedly, “Yeah take the boxes onto the balcony so you don’t make a mess or mum will get mad” I say grabbing a box and going towards the sliding door. “So who else is going tonight?” I ask Niall as we watch Panda and Liam jump and squish the boxes.

“A couple of our friends, Harry, Rachel, Alex, Zac, Scott and Liam’s sister Kellie. Harry’s sister will be in here in an hour to babysit for you and then we will leave and meet everyone at the bar.” He says before joining Liam and Panda jumping on boxes.

“Panda go find some more boxes sweetie” I say just as she jumps on the last one.

“There’s one thing with Katy though” I say as I watch Panda inside through the glass.

“What do you mean?” Niall asks looking at me puzzled. “Her past is complicated. You seem like a decent guy so I don’t want you to get hurt, Katy doesn’t do serious.”

“There’s no more boxes” Panda says from the door with a frown on her face “Have you checked mum’s room?” I say as I walk back into the apartment.


“What are you doing missy?” I ask Panda as I enter my bedroom, “Mummy do you have any boxes I can jump on?” she asks as Charly comes in the room. “Take this one baby” I empty the box of underwear and give it to Panda and watch as she runs out of the room.

“Niall thinks you’re hot” Charly says taking a seat on my bed, crossing her legs.

“Okay...” I answer unsure of what to say. “Do you think he is?” before I can answer my phone rings when I look at the caller ID I get excited “Hey Stranger!” I say into the phone a little too loudly.

“Hey, how are you going with the move? Is London as amazing as you expected?” Charly gives me a smile before leaving the room so I can talk alone.

“It’s even better, our apartment is perfect. Its 4 bedrooms, so Panda gets her own room which she is very excited about. How are you doing? I miss you.” I say into the receiver as Charly enters my room again, “We are leaving in Half an hour” I nod as she turns to walk away.

After managing to get ready while talking on the phone I am ready within 25 minutes.

Panda has Niall and Liam watching Barbie with her as I enter the lounge “Panda guess who’s on the phone and wants to talk to you!” I say and watch as her face lights up. She jumps to her feet and snatches the phone from my hands.

“Chalk I misses you!” she says into the phone before sitting back in front of the TV. “Who’s on the phone?” Charly asks as I enter the kitchen. “Just chord, seeing how we are going.” I say walking back into the lounge with Charly following.

“Aw what a cutie, how is he?”

“He’s good, he wants to come visit already” I laugh as I hear a knock at the door. “Ill get it, it’s probably Kate.” Niall says before opening the door.

“Hey Kate, this is Katy, Charly and Panda.” he says before returning his focus back to the TV.

“It’s nice to meet you” I smile before taking my phone from Panda.

“Panda baby, go put your jamas on please” I say as she runs down the hall.

“You too, Panda is adorable. How old is she?” Kate asks as Panda comes back into the lounge with her Pajamas on backwards. I laugh before helping her put them on the right way. “She’s 3” I smile before giving Panda a cuddle goodbye.

“Be good for Kate okay princess. If Kate tells me that you’ve been a good girl Aunty Charly will make you some cookies tomorrow.”

Panda’s face holds a shocked expression “Chocowate?” she gaps.

“Whatever kind you want” Charly says before we head towards the door.

“Have fun, don't drink too much” Kate laughs as we exit the apartment.

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