Chapter 9.

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“Panda are you ready to home now?” I ask and watch the energetic little girl sliding down the slide with a huge smile on her face. Her smile is so beautiful, she has Katy’s smile I just wish I could see Katy smile as much as Panda does.

“Yes, I want ice cweam.” She demands as she runs over to where I am seated on the bench.

“Alright, let’s go gorgeous” Panda starts jumping up and down before running to the car.

When we get back to the apartment Panda has fallen asleep in her car seat covered in ice cream. “Ah panda you’re all sticky” I laugh as I take her out of the car and walk up to the apartment. 

When I open the door all I can hear is the low sound of the TV, I walk into the lounge to find Katy and Harry asleep on the couch with the dirty dancing menu quietly playing. I smile to myself as I take Panda to her room and place her in her bed before checking the time. It’s only 4:00pm and everyone is asleep what.

Seeing as everyone is asleep I decide to cook some dinner, before calling Liam and seeing if he wants to come for dinner. “Hey beautiful” Liam answers after only two rings. “Hey, I’m cooking dinner tonight do you want to come over again?” I put my phone on loud speaker as I place dinner in the oven.

“Yeah what are you cooking?”

“Pasta bake, it’s hard to cook a lot because Panda is very fussy” I laugh as I sit on the bench.


“Mmm” Something smells really nice, I look at the TV before I realize I must have fallen asleep.

I get up from Harry trying not to wake him which turns out harder than I thought. “Sorry” I mumble as I accidently knee his leg, “ooow” he half laughs half groans “I’m sorry” I frown before finally getting up. “Its fine, how are you feeling?” when he sits up his hair is a wild mess and I can’t help my smirk at how cute he looks half asleep.

“What’s smells so good?” He says standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist. “I think Charly must have made dinner” I grab his hands on my stomach and walk towards the kitchen.

“Are you feeling better?” Charly smiles as we reach the kitchen. “Yeah heaps better, how was your day with Panda? Did she behave?” I laugh. “Yeah she always behaves for me” Charly sticks her tongue out at me before taking a peak into the oven.

“What are you cooking? And can I stay to have some?” Harry asks jumping up onto the bench. “Pasta bake, and no you can’t stay there’s not enough soz” she laughs as she takes the food out of the oven, Harry frowns and hugs my shoulders as I stand between his legs.

“I’m kidding of course you can stay, Liam is coming too. Panda is asleep she’ll wake up soon though.” Charly starts dishing dinner up and I decide to go and check on Panda while Harry helps Charly by setting the table. 

“Baby dinner is ready” I say giving her a gentle shake. She rolls over and rubs her eyes “Mummy I’m tired” she hugs her teddy before she sits up and wraps her arms around my neck for me to carry her. “You can go back to sleep when you finish dinner”

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