Chapter Twenty-One

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Author's Note: There is nothing appropriate about this chapter and I'm not even sorry

November 18, 2016

Pete barely mumbled a hello into the phone, and he immediately heard Patrick's laughter on the other end.

"Good mornin', sugar," Patrick said. "This is your morning wake up call. It's eight eighteen central time and forty-one degrees in Chicago, with a steady rain."

Pete sighed and buried his face in his pillow. He didn't sleep with Patrick that night, and he regretted it greatly. Instead, he was at home because "Lily doesn't come home very often, Pete. You need to see your twin sister before she leaves again." When he told that to Patrick the day before, it didn't go over too well. Patrick couldn't keep track of who Pete's sisters were, and when he was told for probably the third time that Pete and Lily were the twins and Belle was the younger one, he threw his hands up in defeat.

"'M tired," Pete complained. "Don't wanna get up."

"You gotta get up."

"I don't think I should have to work on Fridays. It's basically the weekend. And it's raining. I don't want to get wet."

"You don't think you should have to work any day."

"What can I say? I'm lazy."

"Get out of bed."

"I'd rather have you in it with me," Pete muttered. He put his phone on speaker and set it on the pillow next to him. "It's going to snow tonight. It's gonna be cold all alone."

"Then come over later," Patrick whispered. "I'll hold you all night."

"You paid the heating bill, right?"

"Yes, Peter, I did. I only forgot that one time. Move on."

"And this is why when we get married, I'm handling the checkbook. I'm not going to let our children become icicles."

"Our kids will be fine, Peter. They won't freeze."

"Because I'll be paying the bills."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"That would be you."

Patrick rolled his eyes. "You'll get me tonight. For now, you just have to get out of bed."

"Fine," Pete sighed. "I'll see you at home. Have a good day, snuggles."


"Is that a no, too?"

"It's a no, sugar."

"Okay. Have a good day, Tricky."

"You too, babes."

Joe opened the estate attorney's door and heaved out a sigh. "Damn, do you know how long of a wait it is for you to quit flirting with Pete? Like, you already have him locked in, you don't have to suck up to him."

Patrick rolled his eyes. Maybe he had been being nicer to Pete than usual, but he wasn't about to tell Joe why.

"Is there a reason that you're here?" Patrick asked.

"Actually, yes," Joe replied, walking forward and taking a seat. "You remember that guy you wrote a will for?"

It took twenty seconds of Patrick glaring at him for Joe to realize that he needed to elaborate.

"Oh, right, sorry," Joe laughed.

"And the state of Illinois gave you a law license?"

"Hey, at least I actually earned my degree."

The Will of Love and Life (Peterick)Where stories live. Discover now