Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: It is almost 3:30 in the morning, and my idea of sleep is updating. So here's a long chapter. I'm at the point where I'm so tired that I just have no idea what's going on, so if there are any massive mistakes, feel free to point them out. There are two chapters until the Christmas themed one, and it's my goal to get it out on Christmas Eve. Speaking of how many chapters, I believe there are about nine chapters left and an epilogue, assuming I did my math correctly. (I probably didn't)


November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day

"Do me a favor?" Patrick asked, cutting the Cadillac's engine.

Pete scoffed. "What?"

Patrick's red eyes flickered over to look at him. "Pretend like you're happy?"

Pete rolled his eyes and unbuckled his seatbelt. "That's a lot to ask."


"I never said I wouldn't. I was planning on faking it all night, anyway. God forbid you look bad, princess."

"With all your bitching, it's easy to get frustrated."

Pete got out of the car, slamming the door. Patrick got out soon after, and Pete was already on the driver's side waiting. He hesitantly held out his hand. Patrick grabbed it and more or less tugged Pete up the walkway and porch steps. After the knock was placed on the door, Patrick's grip got nicer, and he laced their fingers together.

"Are you gonna act like you love me?"

"Don't do this."

Joe opened the door, and he smiled at the couple standing on the welcome mat. "Get in here, it's freezing." Joe stepped out of the way to let them go in. "Mom, Patrick and---"

"Patrick brought Pete?" Mrs. Trohman asked, even though she knew he was going to and could even see Pete very clearly in front of her. "I've been so excited to meet you," she said to him. "I'm Macie."

Pete smiled and shook the hand she held out to him; his other was still trapped in Patrick's grasp. Suddenly, Pete was shy, and Patrick had never seen that before. Pete was never one to go meek. Patrick squeezed Pete's hand, silently asking if he was okay. Pete angrily squeezed Patrick's knuckles back.

"Would you like to help me in the kitchen?" she asked Pete, not noticing the twitch in Patrick's lips. "It'll give us some time to talk before dinner."

"Yeah, sounds great," Pete said. His voice was so much nicer when he was talking to her. Patrick just got the sharp tongue and twisted words.

"You'll have him back soon, Patrick," she promised.

"Keep his as long as you want," Patrick said. Please. He let go of Pete's hand and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Let me know if you need anything."

Joe's mother's back was already turned, so Pete shot Patrick a glare before following her into the kitchen.

"That was all so fake," Joe said, looking at Patrick. "Please tell me you guys aren't fighting."

Patrick sighed. "We're not fighting."

"You didn't break up, did you?"

"No." The not yet was on the tip of his tongue, but it was the last thing he wanted to happen. It was probably the first thing on Pete's mind.

"Then what happened?"

"I, um." Patrick looked towards the kitchen, feeling unsafe. He nodded to the staircase. "Upstairs."

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