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April 26

"Thank God this is done," Joe said, slamming a file on Patrick's desk.

Patrick glanced up, a frown finding its way onto his lips. "You know that this was your fault, right? You don't have to sign us up for every case that falls into your lap."

"Yeah, but after taxes, this case puts an extra forty grand in your bank account," Joe said with a smirk. He plopped down on a chair and crossed his arms, satisfied. "What're you gonna do with it?"

Patrick scoffed and gestured at the picture on his desk next to the one of him and his parents. "I have five kids to take care of. I don't get any money. And I haven't been around enough lately to see them."

"I'm sorry," Joe said, looking away. "I know I don't always think about that when I start making plans."

Patrick followed Joe's eyes to the two pictures on the other side of his desk. One was the one Joe got him of when he and Pete started dating. The one next to it was from their wedding. Not one of the nice ones. Not a staged one. It was a candid shot that captured the moment during the cake cutting when Patrick almost dropped the knife, and there was sheer terror on Pete's face. It was the most authentic picture of them, so it was the one Patrick kept.

"Do you miss him?" Joe asked quietly.

"Yeah," Patrick admitted.

"How did you know that Pete was the one? Wait, is that okay to ask?"

"Pete wouldn't mind."

"Then I'm asking."

"Joe, you've been married for six years."

"I know, but, I mean, Kail's pregnant and... I think I'm just freaking out," Joe said, glancing back up at Patrick. "I'm sorry I asked."

Patrick sighed. "You are just freaking out. It's like when Pete and I found out Lily was actually pregnant with twins, and I about had a heart attack. You'll be fine."

Joe looked back down at his hands and twirled his thumbs. "You didn't answer me," he mumbled. "How'd you know that you wanted to marry him?"

"I don't know," Patrick said, clicking his pen a few times. Patrick looked back over at the picture of their wedding and smirked at the look Pete was giving him. "I just did." Patrick sighed and looked back up at Joe. "Can I be honest with you?"

Joe met Patrick's eyes. "Please. It's always nice when lawyers say that."

Patrick rolled his eyes, a habit he picked up a lot more. "I knew when we got together that things were different with him. And that's why I got so scared when I realized I was in love. I think you always know. Eventually it surfaces one day, and you're just thinking, I want to marry him. You don't even know where the thought comes from, but it's there, and you can't stop thinking about it." 


Patrick got home to a completely silent house. His briefcase echoed in the foyer when he dropped it to the floor. Auggie's head picked up from where she was laying, but once she saw Patrick, she calmed down again. She trotted after him as he walked to the back door, and as soon as it was open, she bolted out and into the fenced-in yard.

"Oh, hi, Mister Stumph," said the young lady in the living room with a book in her lap. She stood, walking over to him. "You're back early."

"Yeah, here." He took out his wallet and paid her for the entire day. "You can go home."

"Okay," she said, pocketing the cash. "What time do you need me here tomorrow?"

"Um, I, actually, I'll be here tomorrow," Patrick decided on the spot.

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