Chapter 1

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"I've always loved the sight of flower petals falling through the air, dancing along me...but now...the sight of a falling petals makes me want to gag. I was on my way to pick up a certain airhead since he doesn't like walking to school alone. I mean. Why ask me when he can call his-"

Lucy lifts her hand to her mouth and slowly gags then coughs out a pile of bloody flower petals. She immediately takes them to the nearest trash can and disposes of them. She let's out a sigh.

She continues walking until she finally faces a two story house and walks up the drive way. Before she could knock, her airhead friend jumps out the door causing Lucy to fall back.


Her friend takes out the piece of bread from his mouth.


He picks her up and apologizes.

"It's fine Natsu."

Natsu smiles, "Thanks for walking with me."

Lucy gives a small smile, "No problem."

Lucy turns but Natsu grabs her wrist and pulls her face towards him. Lucy slowly turns red, "W-What's wrong?"

Natsu lifts his thumb and rubs off some still wet blood from under Lucy's lip. Lucy freezes as Natsu lifts up his thumb and shows her.

"What's this?"

Lucy stays quiet, "Well?" Natsu says seriously.

"I-I had a nose bleed this morning when I woke up. A-And it was dripping down my lip. Sorry, I thought I washed it all off."

Natsu stares at Lucy before wiping the blood off him, "You scared me. I thought something happened."

Before Lucy can apologize Natsu still had a hold of her wrist and walked away from the house toward the direction of the school.

Lucy looks down the whole time focusing on hers and Natsu's connection.

"He hasn't held onto me since-"

Lucy felt her throat close up from wanting to throw up again.

"No, not now. Natsu's here!"

Lucy made a big gulp causing the flower petals to disappear. She let out a sigh.

"What's up?"

Lucy looks at Natsu who's now staring at her.

"Uh, nothing! School is just stressful lately is all."

Natsu blinked, "School stressful? For you? Really?"

Lucy has been a straight A student since she entered school. The first time she got a B she was depressed for a month telling herself she's a failure.

Lucy gulps, "Yeah well, we're juniors now so the work has gotten tougher than I thought it was gonna be."

Natsu pets her head letting go of her wrist.

Hanahaki DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now