Chapter 22

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How could I have not realized?

Why haven't I investigated from the very beginning?





I can't find her...

Where is she?


I wake up to see a plain ceiling.

"Onee Chan."

I turn my head to see Michelle. I smile.


"Your operation will begin now, Onee Chan."

I nod and hold her hand, she holds on tightly as well then stands to grab a mask. I wait on my bed for Michelle to return.


I'm sorry...

I'll tell you everything when I awake. I hope you won't be angry with me. I hope you'll still love me, even if it wasn't the same type of love.

Michelle returns with the mask and I place it over my mouth.

"Ready?" she asks.

I nod, "Ready."

I hear her turn on the sleeping gas. It only took a few seconds before my vision got hazy.


[Normal P.O.V]
"You think the surgery has started?" asked Lisanna.

"I think so," Levy notices many nurses running the direction of Lucy's room.

She grows concerned.

"Lucy..." she thought.

Levy stands and walks towards the way they ran.

Levy sits at the corner waiting room.

"Lu Chan is in there..."

She stares at the double doors. She stares at the door and does not look away.


Natsu locked himself in his room.


He was in his own little world.

"Lucy...why...why didn't you tell me... why did you suffer by yourself, you should've... Why didn't you at least give hints?"

Now that Natsu thought about it, Lucy did give bits of hints that she liked him. She even told him she loved him. But, he of course didn't process that right. He even said it back but not in the same way.

He hurt her.

He hurt his Princess.

Natsu looks up from his knees. He stared into his dark closet. He looks down slightly only to be blinded by a light. He looks at where the light is coming from. He crawls towards his closet and opens it.

There was a golden frame. He grabs a hold of the corner and pulls it out of its hiding place. He examines the photo and suddenly...

Tears fall from his eyes landing on the glass. In front of him was a picture of him and Lucy, when they were 5, the day they pretended to be asleep, the day he called her his Princess for the first time.

Hanahaki DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now