Chapter 3

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[Lucy's P.O.V]
I awake when I felt Natsu move in his sleep. I sit up and stare at him.


I leaned closer to him.


My face was only inches away.

"Luce..." Natsu mumbles.

I back away and look down at my legs.

I'm pathetic.

Natsu finally awakes and looks over at me.


I nod and get up. Natsu just stares at me. I wasn't feeling well.

My disease is getting worse... Maybe I should go for the surgery. I didn't have feelings for Natsu when we first met so it'll be like nothing ever happened to us. I walk into the kitchen but don't do anything. I think my depression is coming back... I walk and open a cabinet with depression pills.

I quit taking them because it just made me more depressed. Or maybe that's just me being paranoid.

"How long...have you had those?"

I turn to see a sad Natsu.


Natsu takes them and throws it away. I was too under the weather to stop him.

"You never told me you had depression..."

"I don't," I say, "at least not in a while..."


I inhale, "When we were in 8th grade."

"That long!? You've kept it from me, that long!"

I flinch as his voice rose with anger.

I instinctly covered my stomach.

Why am I...

The petals...

He opens his mouth again, I cover it. I couldn't swallow it down. I push passed Natsu and into my bathroom.

Flower petals...oddly enough I still think they're beautiful. Even when covered in blood.

I hear a knock on the door. I flush the toilet and open the door.

Natsu was looking at me worried. I wipe the blood from under my lip.


Natsu sighs, "Let's get to school."

We head out of my house and walk to school. I'd usually walk side by side with Natsu but today I was slow. I was standing behind him. He didn't seem to mind. I stopped looking at him and look down instead.

If I do the won't have to worry anymore, Natsu. Maybe after the surgery I can tell you, how I felt...all these years. I look up to see Natsu was gone. I was standing in front of the gates. I look and see Natsu chatting with his group of friends and Lisanna.

I'll never leave you...

Look who's lying now Natsu...

[Normal P.O.V]
After that thought, Lucy's chocolate brown eyes faded to be dull.

Lifeless almost.

Lucy who was standing straight, slumped now and let her arms fall to her sides. She slowly turns and walks into the school. The whole day she was quiet. Didn't say or do anything. It was like she was in a zombie state.

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