Chapter 5

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The next morning...


Lucy opened her eyes, waking up to a dressed Natsu.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, "'s Sunday..."

Natsu smiles, "We're going out today!"

Lucy may have been half awake but she jumped out of bed in excitement. She tripped out of clumsiness and Natsu was sure to catch her.

"Woah there Lucy, you just got out of bed."

Lucy ignores the fact that she fell into Natsu, instead she jumps up even more onto him giving him a hug.

Natsu stumbles back surprised, "L-Lucy?"

"Thank you!"

Natsu hugs back, "No problem Lucy..."

~Time Skip~

Lucy was finishing on curling her hair for her and Natsu's "date."

Lucy finished and put away the curler.


Lucy turns confused and looks out the window. There she sees Natsu. She raised her hand to wave but then...


Natsu was helping her out the car, Lucy noticed how dressed up Lisanna is.

Lucy's stomach lurched, "Don't tell me she's coming..."

Lisanna looks up and notices Lucy. She waves but before Natsu looks up too Lucy closes the window.

Lucy took deep breaths.

She couldn't hold it and choked out flower petals.

She shook and flushed the toilet.

"I'm just third wheeling..."

Lucy locked the bathroom door and slid down it.

"I'm not...important."

Lucy cried to herself, "You're an idiot, Lucy Heartfilia."

*knock knock*

"Lucy! Ready to go!"

Lucy threw up again.


Natsu knocks again.

"Uh... go on without me! I'm not feeling so well!"

"But Lucy!"

Lucy gasped at the sound of Lisanna's voice. She vomits once more.

"When I saw you at the window, you looked lovely. I want to see it up close and I'm sure Natsu does too!"

Lucy looks up at herself in the mirror. Her make up was a mess.

"Um... let me finish my make up first."

Lisanna says 'ok' and Lucy hears both of them sit on the bed.

"Damn...they're waiting."

Lucy pulled herself together, she got up and re did her make up.

After a few minutes she was finished.

"O-Ok. I'm done..."

Lucy walks out the bathroom where there's was a waiting Natsu and Lisanna. The first to react was Natsu by choking on his food. Lisanna smiled.

"So beautiful!"

[Photo at top]

Lucy was looking down, not wanting to feel more bad than she already did.

From her sight she sees feet step in front of her. Before Lucy could turn to walk away her head was pulled up. Natsu looked right at her making Lucy turn red.

"You look so beautiful Luce. Just like your mother..."

Lucy's eyes glossed over.

At that comment she turns to look herself in the mirror. She pictured her mom standing right next to her. The imaginary mom places her hand on Lucy's shoulder smiling. Lucy lifts her hand to put it on her mothers.

When she places it she feels a real hand. Lucy turns to see Natsu smiling lightly.

"Ready to go, Luce?"

Lucy notices Natsu's hands waiting for hers to be placed on top of his.

Lucy accepts the offer. But before taking his hand she gets a glimpse of  Lisanna.

"This isn't right..."

Lucy took her hand back. Before Natsu can ask she places his hand on Lisanna's and immediately leaves the room almost running downstairs.

"Lucy Heartfilia don't be an idiot."

Lucy wanted to throw up again but knew she couldn't. She had to hold it in.

Natsu and Lisanna were coming down the stairs so Lucy calmed herself quickly.

When she turns around she sees their hands intertwined. Lucy can feel her nerves rise and also the petals.

"Calm down Lucy. You're the one who made them hold hands right..."

Lucy forces a smile which made her stomach ache.

"Ready to go?"

Natsu nods and opens his mouth to speak but Lucy immediately leaves the house walking to the car. She goes to the front seat but realizes she's supposed to be the third wheel. When she hears the car unlock she steps to her left to open the back door.

"But Lucy you hate being in the back," Natsu says behind her.

Lucy turns, "I-I just thought Lisanna would like to be in the front."

Lisanna smiles, "How nice of you to be thinking of me Lucy."

Lucy turned quickly, Lisanna's smile makes her sick. She immediately gets in the back and takes a deep breath.

Natsu and Lisanna enter as well and ride off. Lucy looked in her bag for her phone.


She shuffled through harshly.

"Where's I wanted to get distracted the whole day."

"Something wrong Lucy?"

She looks up at Natsu looking at her through the rearview mirror.

Lucy gives him an awkward smile and nods. He nods as well and looks back at the road.

Lucy sighs in frustration and looks out the window instead examining her surroundings.

They finally arrive and Lucy's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"The fair..."

Lucy loved the fair.

Natsu came to her favorite spot...for Lisanna.

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