Chapter 18

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I look to over quickly.


I could've sworn I heard my name...

I look at the stars one last time and continue walking. I make it home and head upstairs. I get ready for bed and lay down. I exhale and take out my phone.

My phone rings...






"Michelle..." I say.

"Onee Chan?"

I clear my throat, "I would like to make an appointment for this Sunday."

"..." "what is the appointment for?"

"...Hanahaki Disease Removal."

-The Next Morning-


I headed out of my house and went to pick up Natsu.


I blink and see Natsu in front of my house.

"What took ya so long?" he says.

"Natsu? What are you doing here?"

I walk up to him and he places his hand on my head.

"Picking you up of course."

He smiles at me and I smile back.

"But, I'm always the one picking you up."

He laughs, "Well I'm the guy so I should be picking up the girl."

I tilt my head, "Ok?"

He grabs my waist and begins walking. We talked the whole way to the cross walk.


We both turn to see Gray in the distance. I smile kindly and wave. I felt Natsu's grip tighten. I look up at him who was looking straight now. His jaw was clenched. The light turns green for us to walk and Natsu almost jogs.

Gray soon catches up and greets us. I talk with Gray. I smile and Natsu's grip tightens again. I look down at Natsu's hand and then up at him. He seemed tense but he tried hiding it with a straight face.

I remove my hand from my bag strap and place it on Natsu's where he's holding my waist. Still looking forward he opens his hand a but which causes my fingers to enter his.

As soon as they enter he closes hand which holds onto my fingers. I don't question it and continue taking to Gray. We finally make it to school. Gray says goodbye heading upstairs while Natsu and I have our first class on the first floor.

Natsu walks me to class. We say goodbye. I promised to stay in my 4th period class for him to get me to go to lunch together. I text Gray telling him I made the appointment.

He texted back saying I could still try to move on today till now. But...who can I fall in love with so quickly?

-Time Skip-


I waited outside my classroom for Natsu. I heard footsteps so I look up. I see the 5 girls and gasps. I run back inside the classroom and close the door.

Well aren't you a wuss huh Lucy...

I see their shadows pass the class so I get out.

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