Chapter 17

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"Do you want anything to drink dear?"

I look up from my textbook at Mrs. Fullbuster.

"Ah! No thank you! Your lunch was all I need to boost me up."

She smiles kindly at me and leaves the living room as Gray walks in. I look back at my homework when Gray sits down next to me doing his as well. After we finish, we head to the kitchen.

It was soon time for dinner so I helped Mrs. Fullbuster with preparing.

"Ara Ara, Lucy, you sure know your way around the kitchen," she laughs.

I laugh as well and continue glazing the turkey. I wipe the sweat off my forehead as I finish with the turkey and look over at Mrs. Fullbuster.

"The turkeys ready."

"Ah! Thank you Lucy! You can go take it to the table."

I sweatdrop and look back at the turkey.

Don't drop it Lucy.

I pick up the slightly heavy platter and head towards the opening. Me being the clumsy person I am, I trip on my own foot and stumble forward.


Gray grabs the platter in time for it to not end up on the floor. I blush as he smiled at me.


He laughs and helps with the platter.

"Lucy Heartfilia, did you make this?"

I blush even more and play with my hair.

"D-Don't judge me, i-it's my first time making a turkey."

He grabs my hand, "I bet it'll taste amazing."

I smile and he does as well leading me into the dining room. Gray sets the turkey at the center of the table and leads me to my seat. We both sit and his mother soon comes in with the vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy.


We begin eating.

"So. Lucy."

I look over at Gray's father.

"When are you two going to finally start dating?"

Gray and I choke on the mashed potatoes.

"Dad!" Gray yells.

He started laughing as I blushed and looked down at my food.

"What? It's just a question! I mean do you two just not find each other attractive?"

"No I think Lucy is very beautiful but..." Gray pauses as he looks over at me.

I inhale and nod.

He nods as well and looks at his mother and father.

"She's in love with...Natsu."

I closed my eyes.

It was quiet.

"Oh dear. Doesn't Natsu have a girlfriend?" Mrs. Fullbuster asks.

Gray nods, "Lisanna."

I flinch.

"Oh my, so Lucy has-"

"Hanahaki Disease," finished Mr. Fullbuster.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up at a smile.

"That's alright. Your two options is to find someone else or get the surgery," Mr. Fullbuster explains.

I stared, "Find someone else...I never thought about trying to fall in love with someone else..."

Hanahaki DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now