Chapter 8

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"Thank you for the dinner Mrs. Fullbuster."

Lucy thanked one last time before her and Gray left to her house.

"It's nice out," Gray says.

Lucy inhaled and nods in agreement.

Lucy loves looking at the stars, it's her favorite thing to do other than reading.

After a short walk, Gray drops Lucy off at her house and says goodbye. She enters her house to see-


Natsu turns to see Lucy and immediately gets up.

"What's wrong-"

Natsu embraces her in a hug which makes Lucy fall to the ground.

"N-Natsu, what's the matter?"

Natsu hovers over Lucy, "Let's go out tomorrow! Just you and me!"

Lucy turns red, "W-Why?"

"Because! You're right... I've made you feel like a third wheel but..."

Lucy blinks and feels warmth from his kind gesture.


"I need to treat my Princess as well!"

Lucy's heart skipped a beat.


Natsu smiles as he moves away and picks Lucy up princess style and spins her around.

He then puts her down, "You're the best ya know that."

Lucy smiles, "Arigato."

Natsu walks out and waves goodbye. Lucy closes the door then up the stairs happily.


Lucy suddenly falls backwards down the stairs. She lands on the floor shaking with blood spilling out her mouth.


Lucy desperately tried to move her arm for her phone but couldn't move.

"W-hat's ha-p-penin-g..."

Lucy's eyes wondered around the room then looks down. From her view she says a blood puddle forming. Her eyes widen and starts shaking even more. She then feels herself gag so she coughs and flower petals spill out.

She watched in horror.

"I-f I st-ay like t-his, I'll ch-o-ke."

Lucy started breathing quickly not being able to calm down. She looked around with just her eyes not being able to be much of help to herself.

She started to cry.

"Na-t-su...I'm sca-r-ed."

Flower petals and blood kept coming. To not choke Lucy would cough but more would come...she closes her eyes.

Hours pass...

Lucy has been on the floor for a few hours now, coughing, choking...bleeding.

Exactly how long has it been?

No one can tell. Not until Lucy opens her eyes.

The sun is rising...

Lucy coughs again letting out more petals and blood, she licked her lips a bit feeling them being dry and taste of metal from the blood.

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