Chapter 10

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I sit down in the bus. Not the best interviews I've had. Louis comes and sits down next to me. 

"Hey, how are you doing, lad? he says with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm doing alright. Just been a bit tired. " I lied. By the look on his face I knew he didn't believe me.

"Oh, I see. You know Harry, I'm here if you need someone." He says firmly. I look up at him. Louis knew me too well. "Harry, you don't need to hide it. We all knew. We suspected it. We knew you had a thing for Monica. And I'm really sorry about your loss. You know it affected us too though. She was a great bundle of joy. I loved her too,Harry, we all did. It's gonna be hard, it is hard, to get it through our heads that she's not here anymore. But you'll survive. She would of wanted the best for you. She was one lively girl always put a smile on my face. She had like a secret power, she always lifted your spirits. She made you happy, Harry." He pauses for a moment. I feel the tears coming up again. "You were one lucky lad to have had such a special relationship with her. She loved you, Harry, you know it. So be happy and do it for us, do it for her." he strokes my shoulder lightly. "You'll be alright lad." and he goes sits down in front of Zayn.

So all this time everyone but me knew she liked me. And no one told me. I was too blind to see her love. My love was blinding me. I loved her too much that I thought I wasn't good enough for her. It was just too late.

No, it's not! I love you. I know. If only you knew Harry. If you only knew. I wish I could tell you that I know every single thing you said. I want you to know, that I know how you feel. I can hear you, precious. Please don't be upset.

I pull out another letter. This time it's from that day. The dreadful day. I remeber it well. We had been talking a couple of months, but we were like best friends. We were in the studio. Monica was staying with her dad, a few blocks away in a little hotel. We went into the dressing room we sat on the sofa. She was so adorable.

"Harry, quit squishing me!" she said pushing me away. 

"Nope! Not until you surrender and say you love me!" I say jokingly. She shakes her head. 

"Never!" she says sticking her tongue out me.

"You better not stick your tongue out more or imma bite you!"  I say getting closer to her face.  She sticks her tongue out. "Oh, now you've done it!" I say as I attack her. I grab her wrists and push her down playfully. 

She starts laughing, "quit it, rape! Rape! Harry's a child molestor!" she looks up at me with her cute button eyes.

"I am not!" I bite her cheek. She wiggles around. 

"Ow Harry that hurt! Quit it, someone's gonna walk in and think wrong!" she says trying to get out of my grip. 

"Nope! Not until you say you love me!" I say biting her other cheek. 

"Okay! Fine! I love you. There now get off me." she says struggling to get me off.

"No, say 'I love you Harry' or I won't let you go." She glares at me. Then she rolls her eyes and gives in.

"Fine. I love you Harry." she mumbles quietly.  I put my ear closer to her.

"What was that?" I ask. She replies louder. 

"I love you Harry." I look down at her. She's smiling. 

"See that wasn't that hard was it?"  She was such a cutie. I wanted to just stay all day with her like this. 

"No" she giggles. 

"I love you too, Monica" I admit. She looks at me shocked. Then she bites her lip and looks away.  "What you don't believe me?" Silence. She doesn't make a move. "What's wrong?"

She still doesn't look at me. "Ummm don't say that..." 

"Why not?" I let go of her wrists. 

She sits up next to me and looks down at her hands. "You know you don't mean it." 

I pick her up and sit her on my lap. I turn her chin around  and look into her eyes. "But I do mean it." I pull her closer to me and wrap her up in my arms. "You know i would never lie to you." I can hear her start sobbing. "Oh, what's wrong Monica? Please don't cry everythings okay."  I have this urge to take care of her. Protect her. I make the move. I slowly lean in waiting for approval. She doesn't flinch I lean in closer and our lips touch. I kiss her tenderly. She's too precious I could never hurt her. I back away a little. Monica looks down.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know if..." I mumble

"No it's okay, really Harry...I ummm...liked it." she says sheepishly. She looks up at me and smiles. She's just too precious. This is the perfect moment. I get up and take her hand. 

"Come on, let's go." I pick her up and carry her off into my room. 

"Harry Styles what do you think you're doing?" she says frantically. 

"Monica don't worry we're not gonna do anything wrong, we're just...ummm...having some alone time." I close the door and lock it. I really wanted to have some...alone time with her, but I would never disrespect her. I would treat her like a lady...and be her lover. 

"Okay what's wrong now? Is your mom okay? How about Dusty? Is she okay? Is it about Gemma, God please tell me she's okay!"  She says frightened. She worried too much. 

"No it's not about any of them"  I sit her down on my bed. "It's about you" 

"Me?" she gives me the deer-in-the-headlight look. 

"Me" I say.

"You?" she tilts her head to a side. 

"Us?" I smile a cheesy smile at her. 

"Us?"  She looks at me funny.

"Yeah, you, me, us? I wanted to talk to you about us. Well you don't have to say anything just sit here and look cute." I say. She giggles. 

"Harry you are funny." she says sarcastically.  I stare at her. Man, I wish she knew how much I really liked her. I should tell her...but nahhh she likes Niall...I bite my lip in deep thought. Imma go for it.

"Monica...can I kiss you?" She looks at me sternly.

"you already did it once..." she bites her lip.

"I take that as a yes" I smile. I kiss her forehead...both of her cheeks...her nose... and finally I gingerly kiss her lips. I don't want to kiss her too roughly I felt she was too delicate. She was like a little angel. I wouldn't like to take advantage of her. But at the same time I wanted to kiss her and badly. 

I lay her on her back and gingerly kiss her neck. I give her tiny pecks down her shoulders and up to her forehead. All I wanted was to love her...she shudders whenever I kiss her neck. "You okay?" I ask her. I put my forehead up against hers. 

"I am..Harry..I..." She says quietly.

"It's okay if you want me to stop." I say getting off her and laying down next to her. She turns and looks at me. I could stare into her eyes forever. She made me forget everything. 

 "But I don't want you to stop..." 

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