Chapter 4

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      Applejack sat down at Rainbow Dash's small kitchen table, while Rainbow Dash tended to a large pot on her stove. Applejack could smell the soup from where she was sitting, and surprisingly it smelled good. She knew Rainbow Dash wasn't much of a cook, but everyone had that one recipe that they could pull off well, and Applejack was surprised that Rainbow Dash was making what must have been her one good dish for her. The smell of chicken combined with peppers and spices filled the air as Rainbow Dash filled two bowls of the soup.

"That smells great Dash," Applejack said happily.

"I'm glad you think so," Rainbow Dash said as she sat the two bowls down on the table. "I just hope it's not too spicy for your little tummy," Rainbow Dash added as she began to refill the bottle she had given Applejack with juice.

"And just like that you ruined it," Applejack complained quietly.

"Watch that attitude missy," Rainbow Dash scolded as she placed a bib around Applejack's neck. The bib was fairly large, it came down to the middle of Applejacks belly, and it was white, with a pattern of pink cherries. The bib didn't bother Applejack at all, as she often would mimic a bib with a napkin whenever she ate. Even Applejack could admit that she ate fast and that made her a messy eater, and even though she hated the dress, she didn't want to ruin all of Rarity's hard work. Despite hopes that she would be able to eat by herself, Applejack became distressed when Rainbow Dash moved into position to feed her.

"Come on Dash," Applejack said squirming away from the spoonful of soup Rainbow Dash was moving toward her mouth. "This is going to take forever. Can't I just do it myself?" Applejack's sentence was punctuated by Rainbow Dash seizing the opportunity to stick the spoonful of food into Applejack's mouth.

"It would go faster if you behaved and ate your food like a good girl," Rainbow Dash countered as she prepared another spoonful. Applejack swallowed the bite that was in her mouth, no time to ponder how tasty it was as Rainbow dash was already on the attack with another bite and she had to dodge out of the way. "Applejack!" Rainbow Dash shouted frustrated.

"Just let me," Applejack began but again she was interrupted by a spoon being shoved into her mouth, when she moved to protest Rainbow Dash quickly stuck another in. Applejack struggled to force the food in her mouth down, causing her to dribble onto her bib, which Rainbow Dash used to wipe her face.

"I knew I should have gotten a high chair," Rainbow Dash huffed. "Someone has earned themselves a time out. But not until after you've eaten. You're not leaving that chair until you've eaten the whole bowl."

"Time out!?" Applejack protested, but again she was silenced with another spoonful.

"Yes time out. That's where bad girls go to when they misbehave."

"Bad girl?" Applejack said, this time questioning the words Rainbow Dash was using. Again she was cut short by a spoonful of food. Seeing that this process was going to continue, and how she couldn't properly feed herself with the mittens attached anyway Applejack resigned herself to being fed.

"Ok ok," Applejack said annoyed. "I'll be good just slow down." Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a look of disbelief, but gave her a chance and moved the latest spoonful up to Applejack's mouth slowly. Applejack obediently opened her mouth and accepted the food, though not without a good deal of embarrassment on her part.

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