Chapter 7

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     Applejack nervously waited in line at a drug store near her house. The items in her bag were suspicious, at least to her. A package of youth diapers for bed wetters. Meant for girls a few years younger than Applejack, but Applejack gravitated toward their cute flowery designs. A package of two pacifiers in pastel pink and purple, and a clear baby bottle with a pink cap. Indeed the items were suspicious, and Applejack thought her intentions were given away by the contents of her small bag, but no one was particularly interested in what she was buying.

     Despite this Applejack felt like all eyes were on her as she finally approached the counter and placed her bag on it nervously.

"Everything ok?" came the voice of the overworked cashier. To Applejack this unassuming question was a direct assault and she had to contain her shock before answering with a quiet nod. The cashier didn't notice and didn't care, making only a small note of the choice of items Applejack was buying before continuing on with her daily routine. Despite the cashier's general lack of caring, Applejack bolted from the store as soon as she paid for fear that the cashier might recognize her.

     A small part of Applejack's mind knew she was overreacting about all this. That she may be going overboard, but she was driven on a combination of instinct and desire and wasn't thinking straight at all.

     She finally ran into her house, the bag of baby items in hand. She had planned for this day in advance, and picked a day when she knew Apple Bloom wouldn't be around to see her indulging in this side of her. Regardless she took the extra precaution of not only locking the front door, but also thoroughly inspecting the rest of her small house to ensure she was alone, and despite her being all alone, she decided it would be best to lock herself in her room to enjoy this to rule out any possibility of anyone seeing her. Applejack locked the door to her room and stared at the bag on her bed only for a moment before tearing into it, opening each item ending with the package of pull ups.

     Applejack eagerly threw off her clothes, anxious to feel that feeling she had felt with Rainbow Dash earlier. She carefully stretched the pull up, before stepping into it and raising it up. She might have felt more trepidation about this, had she not been thrown headfirst into it by Rainbow Dash. Indeed, the thin pull ups were nothing compared to the designer brand name diapers that Rainbow Dash had. They were nowhere near as thick, and the childish flower designs might even be considered mature by comparison. But still the feeling was there for Applejack, though admittedly not as strong. The voice in her head that questioned if this was right for her was now thoroughly silenced as she sighed in relief upon the protective padding making contact with her skin.

     Applejack almost absent mindedly put the pacifier into her mouth. This one was made for babies, so the nipple was significantly smaller than the nipple on Rainbow Dash's pacifiers, and much like with the pull ups it only offered a fraction of the feeling Applejack had while under rainbow Dash's care.

     Applejack looked at herself in a mirror that hung off of her open closet door, naked except for the pull up and the pacifier. She was strangely attracted to what she saw, and giggled contently as she placed her hand over the thin pull up, confirming again that yes it was herself she saw in the mirror and that the moment was real.

     Still there was a lingering gnawing in the back of Applejack's head. Yes she had succeeded in getting that same feeling she had at Rainbow Dash's, but only a fraction of the full thing. It was missing something. Applejack briefly left her room to the bathroom across the wall to fill the bottle up with water, reasoning that maybe wetting the diaper would bring back the feeling in full force. She also thought as she was filling the bottle that maybe it was the higher quality of Rainbow Dash's items that led to the better experience. While she knew that was true in part, she also knew that it wasn't the whole story. This pacifier was hard to suckle, she was struggling to drink the water from her bottle, and she was seriously doubting the protection level this thin pull up would actually provide. All of that was true, and it contributed to her lessened feelings, but she was thinking that it wasn't what she was missing.

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