Chapter 17

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     Applejack wiped the sweat off of her brow, as she tended the last field at Sweet Apple Acres.

     Despite her recent escapades with Rainbow Dash and her new relationship, work still needed to be done. And it was done, for today anyway, and Applejack made her way over to a small shed near the house. Faint sounds of construction could be heard from inside.

"Can I come in?" Applejack asked from outside.

"Wait wait I need to cover it up," Rainbow Dash said with a panic. Applejack sighed. She knew exactly what Rainbow Dash was working on, she drafted the plans herself. Both she and Applejack were fairly confident with construction, though not confident enough to draft designs for furniture. Fortunately Applebloom was good enough to design, and Applejack was good enough at manipulating Applebloom and her tween anxt to get her to do most of the design work, without actually knowing what she was making.

     Thus did Applejack hobble together several of Applebloom's designs into something legible from a construction stand point. And so the designs for an Applejack sized high chair and crib were "drafted" and that was currently what Rainbow Dash was working on. Despite knowing full well what it was Rainbow Dash was hiding, Rainbow Dash insisted on hiding it, for fear of ruining the surprise. Never mind that she was hiding these things in Applejack's shed, covered with a sheet. Nothing was stopping Applejack from lifting the sheet when Rainbow Dash left, and she did all of the time, just to make sure Rainbow Dash wasn't messing up the design, and to make subtle improvements and repairs to it.

     Despite how not a surprise the contents under the sheet were, Applejack found Rainbow Dash's behavior cute, and allowed it to continue.

"Finish your chores?" Rainbow Dash asked as she emerged from the shed.

"Yeah," Applejack said with a huff. "Finished with your surprise?" Applejack put emphasis on the word surprise as she knew exactly what it was.

"Almost done," Rainbow Dash said proudly. "Should be done by the sleepover."

"It'd go faster if you let me help," Applejack said as she and Rainbow Dash began walking to Applejack's house.

"I've got it," Rainbow Dash said defensively. "You worried I won't do it right?" Rainbow Dash asked as if she were issuing a challenge.

"Nope I know you got it," Applejack said, confident because she had been secretly inspecting the project at night.

     Due to the busy lives of high school seniors, the promised sleepover hadn't yet occurred, being postponed for a few weeks until everyone was free. Which was fine with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were free to indulge in their relationship for a while longer. Not only with Applejack being little, but also time for them to act normal around each other. Sub consciously the two were worried that they wouldn't be compatible when they weren't playing, but they found that their normal friendship adapted to a romantic relationship fairly well. Even with the unusual dynamic even their normal reactions had, things remained mostly the same.

     Rainbow Dash held her hand out, and Applejack obediently grabbed it, and allowed Rainbow Dash to lead her. Applejack planted a small kiss on Rainbow Dash's cheek, not getting or expecting a response, She quietly followed Dash's lead, not really paying attention to where she was going, trusting her friend to lead her to their destination.

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