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     Rainbow Dash huffed as she threw another trash bag away, Sunset huffed barely able to throw the one she was carrying away.

"Are they always so heavy?" Sunset said out of breathe.

"Yeah usually," Rainbow Das grunted. "You'd be surprised how much is condensed into them. This is definitely the worst part of the job. Especially with all these babies running around. We've got a lot of dirty diapers to deal with." Sunset Shimmer blushed.

"Sorry," Sunset said quietly.

"It's ok," Rianbow Dash giggled. "Part of it."

"I've got all of the small stuff," Applejack said emerging from Sunset Shimmers house with two stuffed back packs. "What do you want to do about the chair and crib? I don't even know how you got them here in the first place."

"Very carefully," Sunset answered with a snicker.

"We can come back for it later," Rainbow Dash answered. "Probably later tonight."

"Is it heavy?"

"Is it heavy?" Sunset Shimmer echoed laughing. She stopped as Applejack looked at her with a serious expression. "Oh you were serious? Yes it's incredibly heavy." Applejack sighed.

"I thought it'd be lighter."

"You thought wrong," Rainbow Dash said happily ruffling Applejack's hair. The moment was interrupted by the others making their way home, bags of clothes in hand.

"Thanks for the sleepover sunset," Flutterhsy said quietly.

"Yeah it was super-duper fun!" Pinkie Pie sang.

"Quite the erm ... experience indeed," Rarity agreed with a bit less enthusiasm.

"You can say that again," Twilight said tiredly. "I didn't know I could be this tired, you guys wore me out. How do you do it all the time Rainbow Dash?"

"Well," Rainbow Dash explained. "She's normally pretty quiet. I think she got excited with all the new friends."

"I'm right here," Applejack said quietly flustered. This garnered some quiet giggles, though everyone was much too tired from the fun to do much else than that.

"Well catch you guys at school," Twilight said as she walked off. The others followed suit, all going in slightly different directions.

"So we've got to go back and get the chair and crib," Applejack said with a yawn.

"Yes," Rainbow Dash answered solemnly.

"Ugh," Applejack groaned. "I'm beat Dash, do we have to?"

"Well I don't think Sunset appreciates us storing your crib and high chair in her house, even if she has the room."

"Yeah I know," Applejack admitted.

"It'll be fine."

"Yeah as long as I have you helping me," Applejack said giving Rainbow Dash a peck on the cheek. "Plus I'm gonna have one heck of a nap afterward."

"I think I'll join you for that nap," Rainbow Dash said giggling.

AUTHORS NOTE And with that I am finished with A Bet to Far. Overall i had a good bit of fun with it, and I think it turned out all right. I set out to write this one with a bit of a slower more realistic pace than the other pony stories I've done, and also I wanted to try my hand at the eqg universe. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it stayed tuned for the next one.

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