Chapter 15

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     Rainbow Dash was struggling to get a pouty Applejack into a green dress. She had been in a bad mood since she had woken up a few moments ago, grumbling and struggling against the restraints on the changing table as Rainbow Dash changed her diaper. Something was definitely off about Applejack today. Applejack was far into her head space, but she was angry and frustrated at seemingly nothing, giving her a sour attitude in contrast to her usual sunny disposition.

"I don't want a dress," Applejack said pouting defiantly. There was no getting the dress over Applejack in her stern pouting position.

"Fine," Rainbow Das said aggravated. "You're putting this shirt on at least," Rainbow Dash said reaching for a plain white t-shirt. Applejack gave an angry grumble but didn't protest as rainbow Dash slid the shirt of Rainbow Dash. "You need an attitude adjustment missy, time out, nose in the corner for ten minutes." Rainbow Dash pointed out of the room. Applejack left with a hmph and Rainbow Dash followed, making sure that Applejack took her designated spot in the living room. She left to get Applejack's harness and the mittens, she had a feeling she would need them soon with the way Applejack was acting. Rainbow Dash wondered if she had said something to make Applejack upset, or if she was forgetting to do something that was making Applejack mad.

"I want out!" Applejack yelled, breaking Rainbow Dash's thought process.

"Three more minutes," Rainbow Dash reminded. "I'll make it fifteen more minutes if you keep acting up."

"Ugh," Applejack scoffed angrily. Rainbow Dash sighed but kept her composure. Applejack was upset about something, Rainbow Dash getting angry too wouldn't solve anything. She needed to be nice but firm with Applejack. No matter Applejack's mood rules were rules, and this would at least be a learning opportunity for that lesson.

"Ok you can come out," Rainbow Dash said to Applejack gently. Applejack replied with another huff and started to storm off to the other room. "Applejack come here," Rainbow Dash said sternly. Applejack pouted and made her way over to Rainbow Dash. "Whenever you want to talk about what is bothering you, I'll be here. Until then." Applejack stomped angrily as Rainbow Dash applied the mittens to her hands.

"No," Applejack whined. It was too late for her though, the mittens were locked in place, and Applejack could do nothing to take them off.

"Yes," Rainbow Dash said seriously. "Now if you can turn that attitude around, we'll see about taking those off. Until then they are staying on, and you are staying where I can watch you."

"I wanted to color," Applejack complained.

"Well you should have thought about that before you earned yourself time in your mittens," Rainbow Dash said unsympathetically. "Play with your stuffies instead," Rainbow Dash said gently pushing Applejack into the living room floor where a few stuffied animals were strewn about. Applejack pouted and sat grumpily with her arms crossed, not moving to play with the stuffed animals at all. Rainbow Dash quickly got some more from Applejack's room. By the time she had returned Applejack had given in, and was sitting on her stomach wistfully swaying her legs in the air while she was playing with the toys. Rainbow Dash smiled as this would provide a momentary distraction for Applejack, though Rainbow Dash knew it would fade eventually and she would be back to her grumpy self.

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