Chapter 1

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It was almost time for school to start up again, 11th grade. You'd be a senior soon.

You lived in Canada, in a small town, went to a small high school. Your school had an exchange student program, you found yourself in classes with German students, Spanish students. All different kinds of people.

You had a few international student friends, but either than them. You usually didn't pay much attention to international students. (Unless you were friends that is.)

You were walking home from a meet up with friends. Your friend, Calvin Vail walked beside you.

"School starts up soon eh?" Calvin said.

"Yeah, you excited?" You asked.

"Heh, fuck no." He answered.


He turned down his street, giving you a small wave before walking off.

Your house wasn't far down this street. You walked down it, glancing up at the houses. They were moderate sized houses. Nothing too big, nothing too small.

You passed a group of kids playing street hockey. A girl ran up and scored a goal on the tall boy on the opposite team, you stopped and gave her a round of applause.

She gave you a quick smile and continued with her game.

You turned up your driveway to your house and went inside.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" You called.

"I'm downstairs!" She called from your basement.

You rushed downstairs to see what she was up to.

She was putting sheets on the bed of your basement guest room.

"Are we having family over?" You asked.

"Nope, we're housing an international student. If that's okay with you." She said.

"Oh yeah, it's fine." You said.

"Good. We don't know where they're from or what their name is yet. They'll be arriving sometime next week." She explained.

"How old are they?" You asked.

"Same age as you." She responded, as she finished making up the extra bed.

"Cool." You said.

"How was your afternoon?" She asked while straightening a few things out on the dressers.

"Good. I hung out with Ian and Calvin at the café, like usual." You said.

"You and Calvin dating yet?" She said jokingly.

"No mom, Calvin and I are just friends." You said smiling.

"Dinner's in the oven, so it should be ready soon." Your mom said.

"Okay! Thanks mom." You said, running upstairs.

International student eh. This should be interesting.


(A/N) Hey!! I hope you enjoy this story. Sorry that this chapter is pretty boring.

✓ exchange student | pyrocynical x readerWhere stories live. Discover now