Chapter 26

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Today was the inevitable day that Niall would have to go home.

Your parents drove him to the airport, the whole family came along.

You sat down beside Niall in the waiting room of the airport, in a group of other exchange students getting ready to go back home.

You were sad, but also happy for him. You knew he missed his family but you would also miss him.

"We'll chat on discord a lot, right?" You asked him.

He laughed, "Yes! You've asked me that 7 times already!"

"I know! Just being, cautious." You exclaimed.

Just then an announcement played over the speaker.

It was time for Niall to board his flight.

Tears began pouring down your face.

Niall looked down at you. "Hey hey hey! Don't cry. We'll see eachother again soon! I promise."

You smiled a weak smile as he leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"Goodbye Niall."

"Goodbye (Y/N)."

Sorry for the short chapter. I just kinda had to make the story move along lmao.

Next chapter should be out soon!

✓ exchange student | pyrocynical x readerWhere stories live. Discover now