Chapter 9

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You walked in the main doors of the school. Your sister immediately walked off to find her friends.

"First class is socials." You said.

"I'm ready." He said to you.

You two walked up the stairs together, to your lockers.

Niall turned to his locker and shoved his backpack into it. "I'll see you in socials (Y/N)!" He said as you walked off.

You walked up to your locker, Calvin was standing beside it just looking down at his phone.

"Hey Calvin!" You said excitedly.

"Oh hey (Y/N)!" He said putting his phone into his pocket.

You unlocked your locker and shoved your stuff into it. Only keeping your pencil case and your binder with you.

"You ready for Socials boyo?" You asked.

"We got Jones again right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm not fond of her." You said.

"Neither am I, she's too strict." He said. "Doesn't even let us listen to music, so boring."

The bell rang for class to start.

"Let's head to Socials." You said motioning Calvin to follow you.

Fortunately your Socials classroom wasn't very far down the hall.

Kids filed into the classroom, taking seats beside their friends.

You sat down in an empty desk at the back of the large classroom.

The room was adorned in flags from countries all over the world, posters with information hung all around.

Calvin took the seat right beside you, and Niall right infront of you.

A girl sat down beside him. A girl you knew all too well. Her name was Karlie, she was annoying as hell and bullied you all through elementary school.

She never seemed to shut up about her issues, and if you didn't listen to her. She would just shout at you until she got your attention.

She would whisper bad stuff about you under her breath, like if you asked her for help with math. She'd whisper stuff like, "this is so easy. You'd have to be stupid not to understand it."

She just made you feel so bad about yourself, and you felt bad for Niall having to sit beside her, but there was nothing you could do about it.

Mrs. Jones started with the attendance. She called names, everyone would shout out "Here!" Pretty basic stuff.

You and Calvin whispered stuff back and forth to eachother as Mrs. Jones taught her lesson until eventually the bell rang.

Your other classes went pretty uneventfully. It was mostly just introductions to what you would be doing that year, nothing else much.

Your last class had been art, the farthest from your locker.

Calvin came from the Woodwork room and joined you in the hall.

"Hey how was Woodwork?" You asked

"Meh, it was  just a brief rundown of how to use the machines and stuff. Pretty boring stuff." Calvin said.

"Yeah, we just sketches ourselves, not too exciting." You said.

"Welp, I'm gonna go home. See you later (Y/N)." Calvin said.

People were filing out of the school, your hallway was almost completely empty by the time you got to your locker.

You grabbed your stuff and just as you closed your locker you were shoved up against the lockers.

"What the fuck!" You yelled.

It was Karlie.

"Hey (Y/N). I see you've been hanging around with the cute British boyyy." She said in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, so what." You spat.

"I want you to stay away from him. He's cute, and he's gonna be mine! Do you understand?" She said, spitting on you as she spoke.

"He LIVES with me dumbass!" You yelled.

"I don't fucking care!" She said.

Just then she was shoved off you.

"Leave her alone!" You heard a deep British voice yell.

"Fine, fine!" Karlie said running off down the hallway.

"T-thanks Niall." You said.

He came over to you and hugged you tight. "I will never let her touch you again."  He whispered.

You started to cry into his shoulder.

"Thank you again Niall." You whispered back.

"Anytime (Y/N), anytime." He reassured.

Then, he kissed you lightly on the forehead.

✓ exchange student | pyrocynical x readerWhere stories live. Discover now