Chapter 8

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You woke up and immediately started on your daily routine.

You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and hopped in the shower. After that, you got into (favourite outfit).

You left made a bagel in the toaster and waited for Niall and (S/N) to get themselves out of bed.

Your mom was packing herself a lunch for work and your dad was just leaving out the door.

"Have a good day (Y/N)! He said before kissing you on the forehead and rushing out the door.

"You too dad, I love you!" You shouted before he shut the door.

"(S/N)! Time to get out of bed!" Your mom yelled. "(Y/N), can you go make sure Niall is up and ready?"

"Yup totally!" You said and sprinted down the stairs to Niall's room.

You knocked on his bedroom door. "Niall! You up?"

He groaned and you heard him turn over in his bed.

You opened the door. "Time for school! Get up!"

He had his blanket wrapped around him with only his head sticking out.

"What a cutie." You whispered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing." You said with a smile.

"Hm, thought I heard you calling me cute." He said smiling aswell.

"Now get up okay?" You said to him, leaving his room so he could get dressed.

"Fine, just for you." Niall responded.

You heard him throw off his blankets and the floorboards creak as he got himself out of bed.

You shut the door behind you and went back upstairs.

"He's just getting up." You said to your mom.

"That's better than nothing." She said. "Now I'm off to work. See you later!"

Your mom left, so you were left in the dining room with (S/N).

"If you get confused, feel free to come find me and ask me any questions you have Okay?" You said to her.

"Yeah, I will." She said.

Niall came upstairs, running his fingers through his messy hair and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good Morning ladies." He said.

"Mornin' Niall." (S/N) said.

He packed a quick lunch, and by then it was time for you guys to leave for school.

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