Chapter 18

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You guys arrived at school. You let go of Niall's hand and went to your locker.

"I'll see ya later babe." You said to him.

"Bye!" He said.

You walked over to your locker. Calvin was standing there at his.

"Heya (Y/N)." Calvin greeted.

"Hey Calvin." You exclaimed.

"Where ya been? I haven't seen much of you." He asked.

"Well, I kinda have a boyfriend now, we hang out a lot." You explained.

"Oooh, who's the lucky guy?" Calvin asked.

"You know that exchange student who lived with me, Niall?" You responded.

"Yeah, don't tell me he's your boyfriend." Calvin said.

"Yeah he's my boyfriend." You responded.

"I think he's weird." Calvin said.

"I think he's sweet!" You exclaimed.

"Hey, Hey, don't get mad. I don't control who you date." Calvin said. "Just don't abandon me alright?"

"I won't, you wanna hang out this weekend? Just me n' you?" You asked.

"Totally dude. You can come over to my place and we can play some games or somethin." He said.

"Hit me up with a date and time and I'll be there." You said.

"Will do. I'll see ya later." He said. "I gotta return these library books."

He turned and walked off in the direction of the library.

You grabbed your sketchbook and pencil case and headed to the art room.


The bell rang for school to end and you met Niall in the foyer.

He looked kind of down.

You rushed over to him.

"Something wrong Niall?" You asked him.

"I'll tell you on the way." He said, grabbing your hand and leading you out the door of the school.

He was completely silent almost the whole way home.

"So what's up Niall. I'm worried." You asked.

"It's Karlie, she's fucking harassing me." He said.

"That fucking bitch." You snarled.

You stopped in the middle of the empty sidewalk and pulled Niall in for a hug.

"I'll make sure she never lays a hand on you again okay?" You said.

He sniffled, you guessed that he had started to cry.

He nodded.

"Shhhh, don't cry." You said softly.

"It's just, she's in all my classes, she's always there. Harassing me. It's constant!" He exclaimed in between sobs.

"We can talk to the school councillor about this tomorrow if you'd like." You said. "I'll come with you."

"O-okay." He stuttered.

He pulled away from you and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I fucking cried. That was pretty fucking gay." He said.

"It's fine Niall. It's okay to cry." You said.

"Thanks, (Y/N), I fucking love you." He said.

"I love you too." You said.

You entered the house and took off your boots and jacket.

"You wanna sit downstairs together for a bit?" You asked.

Niall nodded.

You made your way downstairs and flopped down on the couch. Niall joined you shortly after.

He pulled out an XBox One controller and booted up Fallout 4.

"Ooh, Fallout 4. I like that one." You said snuggling up beside him.

"I do too, pretty decent game." He responded, "not as good as New Vegas though."

"I've never played New Vegas." You said.

"Woah, we can't be friends sorry." He joked.

You frowned. "But Nialllll,, I love you." You whined.

"Ah, I can't stop loving you." He said.

You heard footsteps leading down the stairs.

It was (S/N) with one of her friends.

"Really (Y/N)! The one time I wanted to play video games you're down here?" She exclaimed.

"Oh! If you'd like to join us we can play a 4 player game!" You said.

"But Niall's really good and he's gonna destroy all of us." She whined.

"Fine, we can go do something else." Niall said.

He saved his game of Fallout and got up from the couch.

"I've got some editing to do, you can come help me (Y/N)." He said, heading into his room.

You followed behind him, once you made it into his room you flopped down on his bed.

You could hear the sounds of the game (S/N) and her friend were playing.

You grabbed one of your sketchbooks off the ground of his room.

You guessed you had left it in there from one of your many visits to this room.

You continued a sketch you had been doing of Niall, it was realistic and pretty accurate.

He booted up his computer and started on some editing of a video.

After sketching for a while you pulled out your phone and checked Twitter.

You tweeted out

@(youtube name)
@pyrocynicalvevo is a cutie ;)

Then you shut off your phone and continued sketching.

Niall's phone notified him that he had been mentioned in a tweet.

"Oooh, I got a compliment from a cute girl on Twitter!" He said, winking at you.

Then your phone notified you. You grabbed out your phone to check it.

@(youtube name) I love ya m8

You looked up from your phone and smiled at him.

"I love your smile (Y/N). It's so adorable." Niall said, entranced by your beautiful eyes and smile. "Your eyes are gorgeous too."

Your face turned bright red. You never really knew how to take compliments.

"Ah, I flustered ya. That's cute too." Niall said with a small laugh.

"I ain't cute. I'm dangerous and I could probably kill you. You're lucky I love you too much." You joked.

"Ah, I won't risk being killed." He said with a smirk.

He turned back in his chair and continued to edit your video.

There you two went on for the rest of the evening until dinner.

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