Chapter 5

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Monday. And that means 1st day of school.

School didn't start until 11:00, so you had plenty of time to get ready for school. As it was September. The weather was pretty unpredictable.

You picked out a pair of jeans, a plain black tshirt and a red flannel, picked it up and brought it into the bathroom with you for after your shower.

You started closed and locked the door behind you and got into the shower.

After your shower you dried yourself off and got dressed. You put on some light makeup and dried your hair. Just got ready for your day.

Your mom and dad had already left for work, so it was just Yourself, Niall, and (S/N) here getting ready.

You came out of the bathroom and and went to join Niall at the dining room table to have breakfast.

"You excited for a new school?" You asked him.

"Eh kinda, atleast I've got you and Calvin to hang out with." He responded.

"Yea dude, hopefully we have some classes together." You said cheerfully.

You made yourself some toast and seated yourself across from Niall at the table.

He was scrolling through some sort of social media.

"Whatcha up to?" You asked him.

"Scrolling through Instagram." He replied.

"Oh dude! You never gave me your number or any of your social medias!" You exclaimed.

"Oh here you go." He said, giving you all the names of his social medias aswell as his cell phone number.

"Feel free to call me if you have any problems at school today, okay?" You told him.

"Okay, I will." He said "I have to stay a little longer for a tour of the school."

"Dude, I'm helping out with that." You said.

"Oh, rad!" He exclaimed.

"I know that school like the back of my hand" You said.

"Well I guess that's good." He said, finishing up his breakfast.

Your sister came out of the bathroom in her nice new outfit she has bought for today. A new pair of jeans and a nice new yellow sweater.

It was her first day of 8th grade, so she would be going to your high school (A/N your school is based off of my school irl, it's from 8th grade to 12th grade)

"You excited for your first day of high school?" You asked her.

"Meh, hopefully I get classes with my friends." She responded.

You checked your phone for the time.
"We should get going guys." You said.

You and Niall got up from the table to the entranceway to put on some shoes.

You pulled on some black and white converse and left out the door with Niall and (S/N).

You guys were walking, as you were too lazy to get your drivers license.

Up the hills and down the streets to your school.

The front of your school was packed with groups of kids chatting about how their Summer was, catching up with old friends.

You walked into the school and looked for the list to find your home room.

You and Niall didn't have the same homeroom as the international students had their own.

"I'll catch ya later Niall." You said. "Text me if you need me okay!"

"I will!" He said, walking off to find his homeroom.

Your homeroom was in room 217. 2nd floor.

You made your way up the stairs to find said room.

"Hey (Y/N)!" You heard.

You turned around and came face to face with Ian!

"Oh hey Ian!" You exclaimed. "What homeroom ya got?"

"217." He said.

"Same!" You exclaimed.

"Well then, let me join you on this adventure to room 217." He said with a goofy smile on his face.

The two of you walked down the hall to room 217 and took a seat at one of the tables.

Room 217 was the school's computer room, where you could do photoshop work, or build PCs, or 3D print stuff.

Other students filed in and took seats, the homeroom teacher. Mr. Callaghan got ready to brief you on the school rules again and give out your class schedules.

"Okay students, as many of you know I am Mr. Callaghan, the computer science and robotics teacher. Welcome!" He introduced. "Now it's time for an annual briefing on the school rules."

He went over all the basic rules, like no smoking in school property, and accept all races, sexualities, genders and religions. All that jazz.

"Okay, here are your class schedules, when I call your name come up and get it." He said.

"Ian Carter, Come on up." He said as he passed Ian his schedule.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

He passed you your schedule and you immediate sat back down and started to read what classes you had this semester.

You had Math, Social Studies, Art and Computer Science. Sweet!

That means you could sketch stuff in art class and then digitalize it with the art tablets in computer science!

"what classes ya got Ian?" You asked.

"I've got Math, Socials, Cafeteria, and Computer Science." He said.

"Sweet! We have the same Computer Science class." Your exclaimed.

Unfortunately Ian had different teachers for his Math and Socials.

You had a feeling this would be a pretty good school year.

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