Chapter 19

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You were already ready for school the next day.

You and Niall were just waiting on (S/N) to hurry herself up.

"Okay, so Calvin and I are gonna hang out one of these days this weekend. Probably tomorrow. So you and I can hang out on Sunday if you'd like!" You said.

"Oh sure! I'm down with that." Niall responded.

(S/N) came out dressed in her usual comfortable sweatpants and sweatshirt.

She threw on some shoes and you guys headed out the door for another boring day of school.

~Timeskip to after school uwu~

(S/N) walked home with her friends, she was having them over for a sleepover that night.

"Could Niall Comas And (Y/N) (L/N) please come to the counselling area?" Said the woman on the announcements.

You were just finishing up packing up your stuff to go home.

After getting it all together you met Niall by his locker.

"Ey m8." He said slinging his backpack onto his back.

"Hey!" You said with a smile. "You ready to head down to the councillor's office?"

Niall nodded and you two walked down there together.

You sat in the small waiting room and waited for the councillor to come out to talk to you.

You gazed around the room, there were posters up with hotlines to get help, there was a board of school events.

"Niall?" The councillor peeked her head out of her office and called him in.

Niall got up and walked into the small office.

"Look after my bag (Y/N)." He said, turning his head back to you.

You gave him a reassuring smile as he walked in.

He was in the office for about an hour. You browsed memes and photos of celebrities on Instagram.

You heard the click of the open door. Niall walked out and wiped below his eye.

He looked like he had been crying and was trying to hide it.

"You okay?" You asked.

Niall just stayed silent and nodded. He grabbed his bag and your hand and walked out of the room with him. Outside of the school. Back home.

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