Chapter 6

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"You're free to leave after you get your schedule." Mr. Callaghan said. "Also, go choose a locker anywhere on the 2nd floor."

Students were filing out, trying to find a locker near their friends.

You spotted Calvin in the crowds of students.

You called him over to the cluster of lockers you were standing by.

"Calvin! Take a locker by me." You said.

"Okay." He said, putting his lock into a locker. "That ones mine now."

You put your lock on the locker beside his, and Ian beside you.

Ian's friend Max was beside him, and beside Max was their friend Joji.

Max and Joji were pretty cool. You guys didn't talk much but Ian liked them. And if Ian liked them, they were cool.

"(Y/N), Calvin and I are gonna hang out, wanna come?" Ian asked.

"Sorry, i'd love to but I can't. I have to do tours for international students." You said.

"Darn, I guess it'll just be me and Ian." Calvin said.

"Well, see ya later (Y/N)." Ian said.

The two of them walked off and you pulled out your phone.

You: Hey Niall, where you at?

Niall: Gymnasium.

You: For the tours?

Niall: ye, were just waiting for the student tour guides to show up aka you

You: I'm on my way right now okay, let me just text my sister

Niall: mk

You switched over to your chat with your sister.

You: You gettin' a tour of the school too?

(S/N): yeah, g2g tour

You: okay, meet me in the foyer when you're done.

You turned off your phone, shoved it into your pocket and walked down to the Gym.

International students of all ethnicities lined the bleachers.

"Okay, all of our student tour guides are here." Your Vice Principal, Mrs. Victoria said. "Welcome to Canada, international students. I hope you enjoy your time here at our school! Now we have some student volunteers here to show you around our school."

Everyone clapped.

"Bleacher one, you'll be going with (Y/N), over here." She said pointing at you. All of the students on the first bleacher clambered off and joined you.

"Start your tour now (Y/N)." She said signalling for you to leave.

You showed the students out of the gym and into the main foyer of the school.

"Hello everyone. I am (Y/N). And I will be showing you around. I hope you enjoy your time here." You said.

"Hi (Y/N)!" A deep British voice called from the back of the group.

"Hello Niall." You said with a small wave.

You took the students around the whole school. Showed them every room, every so often passing by a few grade 8 tour groups.

You eventually ended up in the main foyer again.

"And that is the end of our tour. Now feel free to go home!" You said. Releasing them.

Niall immediately walked up to you.

"Thanks for showing us around." He said. "You really do know this school like the back of your hand."'

"Heh, thanks." You said. "Let's find (S/N) and go home."

"Good idea." Niall said.

You met up with (S/N) outside the front door of the school and then all joined to walk home.

"So (S/N), where's your locker?" You asked.

"Downstairs, by the wood work room." She responded.

"Oh cool! I had my locker there once, it sucked." You said.

"Wow thanks. I've atleast got friends by me. Sarah's locker is right beside mine." She said.

"Where's yours Niall?" (S/N) asked.

"Upstairs, by my socials classroom." He answered.

"Bro we gotta compare classes when we get home, I hope we got some of the same." You said.

You guys walked all the way back to your house. Even though you hadn't been at school long, you were exhausted.

As soon as you got in the door, you rushed downstairs and spread yourself out on the couch. Just ready to relax.

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