Chapter 2

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(A/N): that photo of Pyro is a big mood

Timeskip to a week later

School started next week. Ugh, you really weren't excited about that.

You also didn't really have anything to do today. You had already slept in until 10:00 am.

You dragged yourself out of bed to the bathroom. You shut and locked the door behind you and undressed. Time to shower.

Your shower was long and hot, it woke you up nicely.

You scrubbed yourself down and washed your hair.
After you finished you turned off the water and got out. You were ready to start the day.

Maybe you'd call up Calvin to hang out.

You wrapped a towel around yourself and walked out of the bathroom to your room.

Your younger sister (S/N) (A/N) Sister's name) had also crawled out of bed.

"Good morning (Y/N)." She said rubbing her eyes.


You made your way to your room and picked out a casual outfit. A pair of denim shorts for the summer and a plain white tshirt.

You walked back to the bathroom to blow dry your hair and brush your teeth. You never really bothered to have breakfast. But whatever.

You wandered into your living room with your toothbrush in your mouth.

Your dad was sat on the couch watching the morning news.

"Mornin' (Y/N). Ya hear our international student is arrives today? Your mom and I are going to pick them up at 12:00, wanna come? He asked.

"Uhm, sure. Why not." You said.

"(S/N) is going to hang out with one of her friends so it'll just be the three of us and whichever kid we end up with. Maybe we'll go out for lunch?" He said.

"Sounds good!" You said.

You always loved going out for lunch with your parents. And it would be nice to get to know this person who would be staying in your house.

You went back to the bathroom, spat in the sink and washed off your toothbrush. Messed up your hair and got on with your day.

The time passed rather quickly. (S/N) had gone over to her friend's house and your mom had spent the whole time getting everything ready for your international student to arrive.

Eventually 11:30 rolled around. All three of you piled into the car. Ready to go.

Your dad started up the car and started on his way to the airport.

"So, do you think they're a girl or a boy?" Your mom asked.

"I hope it's a girl." You said. "So her and I can have like, movie nights and paint each others nails. Girly stuff like that."

"That would be nice, but you could still do all of that with a guy." Your dad said. "Also there's already 3 women in this house! I hope they're a guy!"

"Where do you think they're from?" You asked.

"Some European country probably." Your dad said.

Te airport wasn't all that far out of town. So you made it there pretty fast.

Your dad got a parking spot and you pretty much FLEW out of the car.

You were so excited to meet this kid!

"Slow down (Y/N)!" Your mom called.

"Can't! I'm excited!" You said skipping along infront of them.

You entered the airport. There was a representative from the school there directing the international students to whatever family they would be staying with.

Your mom went up to him to talk.

"Hello sir, I'm Mrs. (L/N), we're here for our international student." Your mom said with a big smile.

He skimmed through his list of names. "Let me see here..."

He walked off into the group of kids. But came back with a thicker boy with fluffy dirty blond hair.

"This is Niall Comas. Niall, these are the (L/N)'s. They're who you'll be staying with for the year." He said.

You gave him a small wave a smile. He seemed like a pretty awkward person.

"Come on Niall, we're going out for lunch." Your dad said.

"Oh wow, only one minute with you guys and you're already treating me to lunch." He said, with a deep, smooth, British accent. It really didn't match his appearance.

"So where ya from Niall?" You asked.

"Britain, you couldn't tell from the accent?" He said.

"Sheesh wow, I was just trying to make conversation." You said.

"It's fine. So what's your name?" He asked.


"Nice name." He said flashing you a quick smile.

"I've also got a sister who you'll meet soon. Her name is (S/N)." You told him.

"Load your stuff into the trunk here Niall." Your dad said.

Your dad helped Niall get all his stuff into the back of the car, then you all hopped in. Ready to go out for lunch!

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