Chapter 24

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Since it was Canada, and July 1st was Canada day. Of course there would be fireworks and events going on.

You woke up that morning early, excited for all the activities.

You showered, made yourself look decent and dressed yourself in a plain red tshirt with white shorts. Showing off your Canadian patriotism.

Niall was still fast asleep. Small snores escaping his mouth.

You made yourself a bagel for breakfast and went to join your family outside.

Sarah and (S/N) were planning out all the stuff they were gonna do with Mary.

It took about half an hour until Niall had emerged from your trailer, his hair still kind of messy. But it was cute.

"Come on Niall! Let's go see all the stuff they have going on!" You exclaimed, dragging him away from the site.

He willingly followed you.

"I wanna see what they're selling!" You said excitedly to him.

He smiled at you, he thought your excitement was absolutely adorable.

You two arrived in the big field, full of food trucks, vendor stalls, and a big stage with a live band.

You and Niall searched the vendor stalls, looking for cool shit together.

Eventually you got bored of that and went to get ice cream.

You bought ice cream for both you and Niall, and coincidentally you ran into (S/N), Sarah and Mary there.

"Hey! What are you guys up to?" You asked (S/N).

"Getting ice cream before we go get airbrush tattoos!" Mary exclaimed.

"That sounds fun, mind if me and Niall join you?" You asked.

The three of them agreed to let you two tag along.

After everyone finished their ice cream, you guys got to the airbrush tattoo booth.

Mary got a cat, Sarah got a flower and (S/N) got a cool fuckin dragon.

While you were paying attention to (S/N), Niall went off to get his own airbrush tattoo.

He came back with 'My name Jeff' airbrushed onto the inside of his forearm.

He tapped you on the shoulder. "Wanna see something cool (Y/N)." He asked.

"Oh, sure!" You exclaimed to him.

He showed you his forearm, causing you to burst into laughter.

"We're gonna go watch the band and dance!" Sarah called to you, the 3 girls making their way to the stage.

"Wanna dance?" You asked Niall.

"I would love to m'lady." Niall said, tipping an invisible fedora.

You two went up to the front of the stage, they were currently playing a cover of 'I wanna dance with somebody'.

The two of you started to dance, big smiles on your faces the whole time.

He twirled you around, did some Fortnite dances. It was hilarious.

You guys had spent the whole day out. It was already starting to get dark.

You guys made your way over to your Aunt and Uncle's campsite, where you guys were gonna watch the fireworks together.

You helped your family members set up chairs in the middle of the road of the campground, lots of people around you did the same.

You sat next to Niall, a blanket draped over the two of you.

He wrapped his arm around you as the fireworks began.

The bright explosions were captivating. Most of them were red or white, in celebration of Canada of course.

It truly was a beautiful sight.

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