Chapter 3 - Egypt's Greatest Treasure

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*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* I awoke with a start to the sound of my alarm clock, telling me my journey was about to begin. As I left my bedroom, I enjoyed the sight of my parents dancing through the house. My mom was humming and finishing packing. (I think she brought everything except our kitchen sink.) We headed to the car so we could pick up Isaac and his family on the way to the airport.

Once we made it through security, we had about an hour until boarding. The only thing I could think about was Gus' and my trip to Amsterdam. How we endured the pitying glances from other travelers, and how much we enjoyed our trip. I hoped this trip would be as good, but I had my doubts since Augustus wouldn't be with me.

While on the plane, my mom, Isaac's mom, Isaac, and I played cards and laughed, but all I could think of was Gus. How will I ever enjoy this trip when the one I love most isn't sharing in the moments with me.

We landed and had to go through customs, which was easy because everyone pitied us because "cancer perks". (I sometimes wish I were normal, but then would I have ever met my Gus?) When we walked outside, the hot, sticky air hit me like a ton of bricks. We checked into our hotel, The Grand Pyramid and unpacked for our 3 day stay. Then went to bed so we were rested for our visit to the Pyramid the next day.

As we approached the last remaining of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, I was struck by the beauty of the pyramid. It was built so well, but with so few tools. It reminded me of mine and Gus' love, with it's beauty. The sphinx was also there, and we enjoyed taking pictures in front of it, and Isaac even had me tape his face so it looked like he was missing his nose. All in all it was a great day, but when we got back to the hotel, I realized I didn't have Gus' story or clue. That was how I spent my night, trying to decide where the story was.

Day 2

 Of course just like him, Gus would have used a little word play to hide my story. It was right under my nose, or in this case, the sphinxes would-be nose. So I got a little shovel and with some help from mom, we unearthed a little tan folder. Inside there was a note and a few scraps of paper with writing on both sides.  The note read:

"Dear Hazel Grace,

       I do hope you are having a good time, I can imagine the warmth and the sand of Egypt. I hope you have an amazing journey, and I can't wait to hear about all your travels. I hope you enjoy your next location as much as I enjoyed watching V for Vendetta with the young Natalie Portman. Hint: Her birthplace. Enjoy Hazel Grace. I love you with every part of my being and even more. See you eventually.

Love forever,


I figure out the clue, which lead to Jerusalem, Israel, Natalie's birthplace. Then, while in bed, I pieced together the story scraps:

"After An Imperial Affliction- Love, Gus

-----Anna's Mothers POV-----

*The day of Anna's Funeral* "She's gone. She's gone and she is never coming back. How? Why? What did she ever do to deserve this? Even though her fate was inevitable I thought we had months, maybe years, not days." I cried onto my boyfriend's (the Dutch Tulip Man) shoulder. He comforted me with a strong embrace and a promise to never leave me, but would that ever fill the hole in my heart left by my poor sweet Anna? I whispered "I love you". He replied he loved me too, not realizing that I meant my I love you was for Anna, who I would never see smile or laugh or even cry again. Anna, why Anna?  After saying my goodbyes, I silently watched as she was buried with a handful of red tulips, wearing a blue dress. She hated wearing black as it reminded her of how short a time she had with us. Her headstone read simply "For all the ships that never sailed."

----Hazel's POV----

I learned that love will withstand through death as Anna's mother still loves her, Gus still loves me no matter where he is. I hope this was the great treasure he wanted me to find, His Love.


Hope you like it. I tried to make it a little longer this time. -Liz

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