Eye Don't Understand

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We landed several hours ago in the airport of Bern. The amazing limo driver Gus had arranged picked up all our bags and loaded them for us. OH MY GOSH! The inside of the limo was amazing! There was a blue carpet on the floor and black leather seats with swirling blue lines running through the design. There were speakers and lights that flashed to the beat of the blaring music. (Which I picked.) However, the best thing was the champaigne. There was a bottle of champaigne sitting there waiting for us, and though it was not as amazing as the champaigne from Oranjee, it was still heavenly.

Our bags were delivered to our suite in the Hotel Innere Enge Bern. I was so jet lagged that I collapsed onto my bed to sleep for 12 hours. I woke up to my entire travel entourage peering over me, waiting for me to wake up. I let out a scream that could be heard around the world and informed my family and friends that they could have given me a heart attack.

We visited The Parliament Building, which was completed in 1902, ironically on April 1st. As I walked through the thousands of rooms, I saw one beautiful dome cieling complete with a stained glass window. I was astounded by the intricacy of every little detail. The cream colors complemented the greens and blues. It was like a feast for ones eyes. (These are the moments in which I feel bad for Isaac.)

After a long day, I took a nice bubble bath, and snuggled in to my bed wearing fluffy pajama pants and a purple tank top. Of course, like all good things, my laying in bed came to an end when there was a knock on my door. Seeing as my mother was in the shower, and my father had gone to get me a soda, I answered the door myself. It happened to be a very nice front desk employee, who had talked to Gus, and had come to give me a note.

I was a little confused after reading the note. All the note said was: Schloss Thorberg. Okay. -Gus I decided I would figure out the note in the morning so I snuggled back into my bed and drifted off into dream land.

I don't really feel like doing anything today (or maybe ever again!) because Isaac had to go in for emergency surgery. He ended up being the one in a million who had a reaction to the removal of his eyes called Ophthalmopsitho. I pray that the surgery goes well; it is selfish, but I don't want to lose another friend. They are trying to fix the Ophthalmopsitho with a new technology, in the form of robot eyes. Now I know Isaac didn't want to see a world without Gus, and trust me neither do I, but somethings (like living) are more important. I guess the world is not a wish granting factory.

It's been three days and I haven't talked to or even seen Isaac. The only thing I have done in three days is look up Schloss Thorberg, which turns out to be a castle, which I pray Isaac will get to visit and not as a ghost.

I talked to him today. He sounds like he is doing okay. The doctors say he has a 93% chance of a completely healthy recovery. I know those are great odds, but that 7% scares the hell out of me. I can't go through this again, it's too soon.

5 days ago, Isaac had his surgery, today, we are on our way to pick him up from the hospital. That's right, take that world, Isaac is alive and okay! Tomorrow, we will be on our way to Schloss Thorberg Castle.

"Hey Isaac, how many fingers am I holding up?" I wanted to see if he had the gift of sight again.

"Hazel, your not holding up fingers, your sticking your tongue out at me." He replied.

"Well, I guess we know you can see again. I'm thrilled for you! So wanna see the pictures of all the places we've been?"

"Ummm, YEAH!!!! You better be a great photographer because I want this to be just as awesome as when you first saw these places." He joked.

"Sure, yeah, because in my free time away from all my appointments, I've been taking a photography class." I laughed as I answered.

"Hey, Hazel, it's great to be able to see again." Isaac whispered, ending the conversation.

I don't know how, but Gus must have known something would happen here because finding the next chapter was not a challenge. It was simply waiting for me at the front desk. How did he know I would be tired from the stress and worry that has been surrounding me these past few days. I said a silent thank you to Gus, then enjoyed the rest of my day.

That night, I began reading:

Oh My God! I am getting married tomorrow! It came so fast! I mean it feels like just yesterday I was finishing the decorations for the wedding. Oh that's right, it was yesterday. I have about 2 hours to prepare for my rehearsal dinner, and I am freaking out. I haven't even showered. Maybe I should do that now.

After my shower, I was slightly calmer, but not that much calmer. I changed into my beautiful dress. It was baby blue lace with an illusion neckline made from lace. I was loved the blush shoes and golden accessories that contrasted the dress so well.

I descended into the room where we were to be having the dinner via a grand staircase. Everyone watched as the Dutch Tulip Man and I sat down. The toasts began almost instantly. Each one saying how much they loved us and how we were perfect together. (Of course most of them probably don't believe a word of what they're saying.) We graciously thanked each toaster (one who toasts not the toast making device) and after the last one, the Dutch Tulip Man and I kissed as glasses klinked.

After the dinner, I am not nervous for the wedding tomorrow, I'm excited. (Well maybe I'm a tad nervous.) I drifted to sleep with the thoughts of me in my gown, walking down the aisle.


Okay, I wanted to thank all those who read this chapter or story. I appreciate feedback or suggestions or comments. I am thrilled to have such great readers! -Liz

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