Australia's Sunset

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I am so tired I cannot sleep, so I gaze out the window of the plane at the moon. I was pondering all the things that gave my life purpose, so basically just you, Gus. "I miss you everyday and I see you in all the natural beauties of the world, like the stars. " I said to Augustus, who is always just out of sight.

It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you

"We should be at the hotel in 5 minutes Isaac, calm down!!" Isaac's mom shouted over Isaac.

"I can't wait five minutes! I need a bathroom, NOW!!!!!!!!" He retorted.

"Sorry Isaac, but I can't make us get there any faster."

"I need to PEEEE!!!!!"

We pulled up to the gorgeous and luxurious Qualia Hotel after about an hour of 'I need to pee's' and ' too bad's'.  Isaac practically sprinted to the nearest bathroom, which seeing as he is blind, was a poor choice. He ended up in a women's bathroom stumbling around trying to get out, which I thought was hilarious, but he on the other hand did not.

We unpacked our bags and went for a swim in the ocean. The waves surrounding waves felt like the finest silk. I loved looking to the horizon where the sun was setting. I couldn't help but think of a few lyrics from one of my favorite songs.

You're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you

So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet

I can see the stars
From America
I wonder, do you see them, too?

Upon awaking the next morning, I found a wonderful platter of fruit, upon which, a letter was sitting and sat down to a delightful fruit breakfast. My mom came out of the shower and offered to go get a 'real' breakfast with me, but I personally think my breakfast was divine. I was totally prepared for a day at luna park, the most interesting amusement park in Australia. I was pschyed! I slowly opened the letter's envelope, knowing that it could only be from Gus.

Dearest Hazel Grace,

I understand that you are in Australia. WOW! I hope you are enjoying yourself. I personally am 'on a rollercoaster that only goes up'. (That's the only hint you get.) So I can't wait for you to find the next piece of the story; it's getting interesting, is it not? I love you forever!



"Well that was certainly something." Said my mom, vocalizing what we all thought.

"That was the weirdest day of my life by far, and I couldn't even see the supposedly 'creepy face' that was the entrance to the park." Isaac announced to no one in particular.

I had to agree; our day was quite interesting. We rode so many rides like the power surge and the great scenic railway. I personally enjoyed the coaster, but mom threw up after riding because of all that cotton candy we ate. All in all, it was a good day, not the last good day, but a really perfect day. (minus Augustus of course. There are no completely perfect days without him.) However, most importantly, I found the next piece of the story. It was on the rollercoaster, the one that stopped going up. I know Gus is probably excited to watch my reaction from wherever he is, so I guess it's time to see what Anna's mom says.

After An Imperial Affliction:

He takes a deep breath and smiles, pulling a small box out of his pocket.

"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

This is so sudden, yet so perfect. I look into the Dutch Tulip Man's eyes and slowly whisper "Yes." He takes the stunning ring with a beautiful infinity sign made of crystalline blue topazes and slides it onto my finger. The inside of the ring is engraved to say Okay. I start to cry happy tears for the first time since Anna passed. I think life might become okay again after time.

"You have made me the happiest man alive. I will love you forever and always."

We visited Anna the next day to tell her the great news. I think she would have been happy for us; she always liked the Dutch Tulip Man.  We decided that we will have a family ceremony and Sisyphus the hamster, who is currently owned by Christine, will be the ring bearer. He is the only one left who reminds me of the sweet, innocent little girl Anna was. He reminds me of better days when she would chase him around the house. They were practically joined at the hip. Anna never went anywhere without Sisyphus. The Dutch Tulip Man has already agreed and we decided the wedding will be in four months, just in time for the flowers and trees to bloom in Amsterdam. That's right, we will be getting married in and moving to Amsterdam after the wedding, but we will keep the house here so we can visit Anna. Good thing the Dutch Tulip Man is rich.


A/N: Thanks for taking the time to read this chapter of this story. I appreciate any comments or suggestions or both. Also, I would like to apologize for the long amount of time since the last time I posted. I have had family in town that I haven't seen in at least four years. I will try to publish in a more timely manner. Hope You Enjoyed this chapter!! And thanks again for reading. -Liz

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