Dancing House

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------Hazel's POV------

This ariplane ride reminded me of the plane ride to Amsterdam, mostly because Isaac was shouting through most of the trip.

"Nothing has ever looked like this ever! I CAN SEE CARS AND CLOUDS AND EVERYTHING!!!!" He exclaimed overjoyed.

"Hey, Isaac, I'm glad you can see again. I missed sharing the most amazing sights in the world with someone my own age." I told him.

Now as you can imagine, this led to an entire plane ride of us telling each other that we are glad we met, we can get through the loss of Gus together, etcetera. Finally, we landed and found our town car driver, who gathered our luggage and met us at his car. A short car ride later, we arrived at Alchymist Prague Castle Suites, which was by far the most amazing hotel I have ever seen. It looked like a castle, and naturally we ended up staying in the Castle Suite. I got my own private room with a red and gold four-poster bed, and Isaac had a room right next to mine so we could talk about the next piece of Gus' story.

-----Isaac's POV------

The view from the hotel was absolutely amazing! I haven't seen anything quite like it before. Being able to see again is the best thing that could have happened to me. I can't describe to you how it feels to be able to run and play and see again. The world may just be a wish-granting factory.

Tomorrow we are headed to The Powder Tower, I chose that particular sight because I thought it had a funny name. Therefore, I must go sleep or I will not be able to recount the tales from our day at The Powder Tower.

The Powder Tower was one of the original city gates of Prague. It was named because it was used to store gun powder. I must say, it was interesting and elaborate. It had beautiful carvings and a statue of George of Poděbrady together with the Jagiellon monarch Vladislav II, who were kings of Bohemia during the relevant era.

-----Hazel's POV-----

It was my turn to pick our destination, and I chose the Dancing House. I am known for choosing restaurants as my destinations, and this was no exception. The restaurant was called Fred & Ginger, after the dancers of course. We ate on the balcony on the top floor of the Dancing House. I must say, the food made my taste buds dance with joy. It was one of the best meals I have had the pleasure to enjoy. After a delightful meal, we headed back to the hotel and slept to prepare ourselves for our next trip.

Upon returning to my room after a morning shower, I found a beautiful orange tulip in a diamond vase and a note that read: To my QUEEN. -Gus

I assumed this meant we should head to Castle Prague. Oh my goodness, the walls are so intricate and the towers are extravagant. All the windows dance and shimmer in the sunlight, and the tan walls contrast the blue/green towers so well. This place is so alluring. I waltzed into the grand foyer and headed to the front desk. I talked to the people behind the desk and they handed me pre-paid for tickets for a self guided tour and she also told me she was to give me a message: "The state rooms are dazzling this time of year."

We headed to the state rooms to start. There were four wings, but Gus had called me queen so I headed for the throne room. There were guards making sure no one crossed the red rope, but I could see that Gus had left the story in the aisle next to the throne, so I did something I am not proud of. I started playing with my cannula in front of the guards, and once they realized, I asked if I could go see the throne, and they agreed. I felt horrible for using my cancer perks to get past the guards, but I really wanted the story. The guards happened to be really nice, they let me take pictures, and they even posed with me in front of the throne.

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