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It's been a week since I first arrived here, in Amsterdam, for the second time in my life. I had my own room right next to Isaac's room, so we could talk, and Isaac's and my parents were staying in a different part of the Hotel Filosoof.

I was quite snuggled into my bed when I heard my parents calling for me to 'get my lazy self up so we could explore'. Slowly, very slowly, I crawled out of bed and into the bathroom. I got a refreshing shower and met my traveling group in the lobby. They had discussed what we should do while I was making myself presentable. The Vondelpark was to be our destination, which was fine with me because I had recieved a clue from Gus that led me to believe I would find the next chapter of After AIA there.

Words cannot describe the beauty of the Vondelpark. Everywhere I looked, there was something that made the park seem even more perfect. There was a bridge that overlooked shimmering water and an amazing building that was so breathtaking. However, my favorite part of the day was spent at the little gazebo. It was nestled on a patch of grass and flowers in the center of a little pond. The base was white and the iron designs were black and it worked beautifully in the bright colors of the flowers and grass. I turned on some slow music and my parents and Isaac's parents started dancing then Isaac asked Angelina to dance, which was adorable to watch. I am glad Isaac has someone like Gus was to me. They have only known each other for a little over a week, and they look so in love.

While they were dancing, I layed on the grass, I don't know why I chose the spot I did, but lo and behold, I saw crumpled paper in the grass. I slipped the paper into my pocket after making sure it was the story.

We enjoyed the rest of our week visiting famous sights. Also, at one point, I challenged Isaac and Angelina to a butt scooting race. We had to start at one side of the hallway and slide on our butts all the way through the hallway. It was hilarious, but I lost sadly. Angelina won, so at least Isaac can't gloat. We were stared at by so many tourists that I couldn't help but laugh through the duration of the race.

After many fun times, the week came to an end, so as our routine worked, Isaac came to my room on Saturday night, and I pulled out the story. However, I was feeling a bit tired, so I handed the chapter to Isaac and asked him to read. It was the first time someone other than I would be reading it aloud.

-------Isaac's POV--------

I took the story from Hazel quietly and began:

"I can't believe you're getting married tomorrow." I told Sarah in disbelief.

"I know, I can't wait to become Mrs. Sarah Bartowski." She replied.

Her dress was amazing, it was strapless and the bottom had all these feather-like pieces and it was perfect. I still can't believe my best friend is getting married.

I woke up the next morning and rushed to Sarah's suite to help her get ready. As usual, she was her calm self. She told me to go put my dress on then go to get my makeup done by the professionals. She was having her hair done. After I was ready, it was time to get the dress on Sarah,  which actually was a lot easier than expected.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful and after the reception Sarah and Chuck got in a limo to enjoy their honeymoon. I believe they said they would be purchasing a vacation home in Amsterdam so we can still see them from time to time. I have some pretty exciting news, but I want to wait until I talk to Anna before telling the Dutch Tulip Man...

"Hazel? Hazel...HAZEL!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP"...

(To be continued)


A/N: Hey my great readers. I believe the story will be ending soon. I think we have 2 chapters and an epilogue to go. I am so appreciative of all of you and your support. I welcome comments and all that jazz. Thanks for being amazing.

P.S. Sorry this chapter was really short. :)

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