Only 2 Weeks in

323 13 9

Dark themes!


7 tests in under 2 weeks was not the best way to go about life in all honesty. You sat at your desk, face planted firmly to the top as you tried you hardest not to pass out, you had studied and managed your jobs so well and this was the day you got your tests back from all classes you had them, not to mention G has been nothing but a pain in your ass for the past 2 weeks, slamming his door at all hours, leaving lights on, blasting the damn tv in the living room while you tried doing whatever in your own room, bastard even brought a girl home when he thought you weren't home, but you were. Oh god(s) you were and heard it all, could have lived without that shit.

The teacher finally managed to make it to your seat and put your paper face down, you swallowed the lump in your throat before looking at it, with a quick flick of the wrist you flipped it and checked 87, not bad but not good, it kept your grade in the class at a B+ you had hoped to bring it up to an A- but guess you'll have to work harder.

As school let out you met up with Shin and Tabitha for your traditional ass chewing of not lifting your grade. These two act so much like your parents you forget they aren't sometimes. As you reached the entrance Tabitha stole your grades from your hands instantly and looked them over as Shin gave you that 'Listen to your father' look he uses when he is dead serious about what ever he is about to start up or get involved in "You didn't lift that B+ child!" Tabitha points at you with dramatic flare as Shin yanks the grades- careful not to rip the paper "You useless child! You said you would get that up!" He casts you a quick hard glare before skimming over the others "But I got everything else up damn it!" You tried taking the grades back, he held them from your grasp "Don't use that tone with us young lady!" Tabitha spoke sternly "Ya know what this means Shin dear?" She looked over at the male with crossed arms "Yes dearest I do. It is so sad too." They exchanged knowing glances before looking at me with a deep dark sinister look "You're hair is getting dyed, you are buying dinner for all of us, AND you have to wear this all day while we are around." Tabitha reached into her bag and pulled out a fluffy neon (least favorite color) tutu, I visibly shuttered "Please no!" You backed up slowly as Shin shot forward and grabbed a hold of your arms "No escape." He mumbled lowly "Can I at least pick the color of my hair!" You whined trying to pull away "Nope its gonna be (second least favorite color.)" Tabitha started walking off campus as Shin dragged you with them.


By the time you manage to get back home its 10, your hair has been dyed, you're feet hurt from walking around being paraded in your tutu and you were also stuffed a bit from dinner, luckily you talked them into using quick rinse dye so it would be out with a couple of showers, but damn it today was to much for you. You needed your love, you rummaged through the kitchen looking for it. Anytime you have any sorta bad day, or even just to help chill your bones (heh skeleton roommate pun) you can't help but drink.

You finally found a stash but it wasn't yours. It was... HIS, a nice big bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey. It had been opened but not much taken. Would he really care? Truth be, can you bring yourself to care if he bitches? Nope. You grab a small glass and pour a bit before putting it back and heading back to the living room.

You were a few sips in and finally started to get tipsy. You never allowed yourself to get full blown shitfaced due to not trusting yourself, but you had just as much fun tipsy. Around 11 the door opened to your monster roommate seeming more pissed then normal, or maybe that's how he always look, fuck if you care. He tossed his stuff into his room before shuffling into the kitchen, he didn't seem to notice your drink or he certainly would have bitched so you gulped the rest and leaned back onto the couch, some cheesy rom-com was on for background noise as you lulled into deep thoughts. Some cabinets were closed before he came back with narrowed eyes "Did you drink my shit?" His voice didn't seem angry but he was good at faking emotions, living with him for 2 weeks showed that "Just a cup, I needed it man. I have had a day." You waved him off looking back at the tv "I don't care if you family dumps you in the streets and forces you to walk home, rules states not to touch or eat my shit." He kicked the couch causing you to jerk a bit "Hey bud, I didn't eat your shit, I drank your whiskey." A few laughs bubbled up at that as he seemed to get more annoyed "The specifics don't matter, you broke a rule and didn't even fucking ask me!" He gestured with his hands to make his point "You didn't check to see if I was home when you brought that girl home with you a couple nights ago." You puckered your lips and crossed your arms in a huff.

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