Group Mission

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It took a while to get use to. You even had to move again so the other two had their own rooms, on occasion they would split who got to sleep with you, just cuddles though. You refused any sexual activity till you got use to this, to which they agreed, they were happy to get cuddles anyway. 

Waking up to three skeletons really took it out of you, specially near the beginning when you would wake up and forget they had their own bodies now. You were always greeted with morning hugs and kisses and someone always made breakfast. Not that you were complaining, domestic life was fun... regardless of being thrust into a polyamory relationship because you were stupid and didn't think things through. 

As you laid on the couch watching tv there was a knock on the door. Everyone was out, you were left alone so you had to force your lazy ass up and headed to the door "Whose there?" You placed your hand on the doorknob "Boo." A soft voice spoke on the other side "Boo who?" You already knew who it was "Don't cry it's just a joke." You laughed opening it to see Liliac, she was in her work clothes. Which actually was a violet hoodie with bunny ears that was poofy, a skirt with socks that were to big for her (she always steals her brothers clothes when she misses him) and slippers "J.U.D.G.M.E.N.T is having a slow day... so I thought I would visit." She walked passed you with her hands in her pockets. 

She made herself at home, right at the table she requested tea and you obeyed. As you boiled the water you talked about basic things. "You did something illegal ya know." You stiffened, you had your back to her as you watched the water, you could feel her lazy but hard stare on you "You know not to go into the void, but you did it anyway. You'd think you'd learn your lesson." She turned her gaze to the glass table, kicking her legs swiftly under it "I will let it slide. Only because you did it for monsters. But next time I wont be so charitable towards you." The water came to a boil and you prepared the tea before handing her a cup "Chamomile tea. My favorite." She sniffed the cup before taking a sip and humming. 

"So why did you go into the void exactly, our radars showed 4 magic signals leaving it, 2 were yours, but the other two were faint and no origins to them." She rubbed the rim of the cup as you sat down "I am sure Tabitha mentioned that G had 3 SOULs total in him, the other 2 came from the void... at least their physical form." You explained "I brought them back from the void, repaired their bodies and pulled their SOULs back together."

She gave you her sleepy look before nodding "Alright then. I want to meet this new monsters." She demanded "They are your mates now right, you and G bonded before you brought them back so..." She looked you over, she saw the nervousness in your eyes "Careful senpai, if anyone can handle this it's you. Just take your time." She gave you a soft smile. "So I take it the reason we didn't greet each other the traditional way was-" "Because I was here on business, or I would have laid you flat on the ground." She interrupted as you chuckled sheepishly.


You two moved to the couch. You talked about work, your life... she questioned your sex life and still asked for them grandbabies to which you would try to change the subject, she helped you make dinner... more like ordered what she wanted with it and demanded no onions.. Just as it was getting late and dinner was done the other three came home. You greeted them happily from the kitchen as Liliac sat at the table eating her soup. She gave them a wave before slurping the liquid and giving a happy hum "I need to come over more, forgot how good you were at cooking senpai." She complimented Sans grabbed a bottle of ketchup and a bowl before kissing your cheek and taking a spot near Liliac. 

Gaster followed the same pattern, grabbed a bowl, thanked you and kissed your forehead before talking his own seat. G was in a grumpy mood, he grabbed a bowl and went into your shared room, didn't even thank you... jerk. You grabbed your own and sat in the last spot, everyone ate in silence for the most part till the small child looked at you with THAT look. 

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