You Explain

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The angst level is high with this one!

The trek up and down the mountain was one you long ago forgot about. The sun had finally made an appearance through the tree lines, the fog had lifted just a bit. Everyone followed close behind each other but had a few feet between themselves and you. You were only half the way there.

"How much longer!?" Undyne groaned "I am all for exorcise but this is stupid! Just for you to explain why the hell you have magic, you could have just told us sitting around a table!" She chucked a spear into a tree you were passing in anger, you flinched thinking about that tree being any part of your body. "It will make more sense if you see it. I am not all that good at explaining and stories." You confessed with a frown.

Toriel whisper scolded the fish lady while you kept walking.The forest had stop sounded full of life the closer you got to your location. That was normal, no animals ever showed up this close. You passed a sign that was covered in vines and leafs. As you passed it the others paused, Frisk moved the vines and read it aloud "O mp s  abs Fac ity?" Some of the words were faded and you coughed over the laugh that tried to escape as she tried to read it "Olympus Labs Facility." You corrected waving them forward. 

"There was a lab this far from any town?" Asriel questioned. You crossed a stone bridge over a massive river, the bridge had seen better days, but got the job done "Yep. It was under construction for 7 years after you were sealed underground. It kept getting upgraded every time humans had massive technological advances." You stated matter-o-factly "What was it's purpose?" Toriel held onto Asgores arm "Bio magic warfare." You mumbled "What'd you say?" Guess they didn't hear you "Bio Magic warfare." You spoke up. "This is the last hill then we are there.

The rest of the walk was eerily quiet. You managed up the last hill and saw a huge building in the clearing. The main building was tall, with a massive courtyard in the front and a tall fence made of steel with barbed wire around the top, the massive gate was opened, there were generators near the right side as well as a few smaller buildings to the left, it was a great view of the whole place. "Don't be fooled. It's a lot bigger inside." You reajusted the duffel and started walking down the hill.

They were intimidated to say none the less. Bio Magic warfare was not a pleasant name, and the building looked more like a prison then a lab.

You entered through the gate, the court yard was littered with debris and old fashion cars. Near the entrance to the building stood 4 figures. They waved you hello and headed in the building. "Who were they punk?" Undyne phased in another spear "The others effected by this place. They are here for support. Come on." You strolled to the doors, passing a few literal skeletons on the way, some had lab coats, others had army uniforms, some where even in suits. They either lay on the ground our were propped up against's something. "This looks like a failed attempt at a hunted house." Frisk moved closer to Asriel "Those are real. They worked here, our were visiting when they died." Your voice had gone down a few volumes, a cloud of dread over took your stance.

Inside the building the walls were white, the floor was white, everything was in ruin, debris littered the floor like outside. Cracks and holes were in the walls and the front desk was in halves. The figures from before were looking over the place "(Y/N), I thought you ditched last second." Shin teased "Leave her alone dumbass, none of us WANT to be here." Virgil pointed out flatly. "Where are we started this tour!?" Camari bounced on the balls of her feet "Why are you so happy about being back here?" Tabitha crossed her arms.   

"Hey guys. Sorry to drag ya here." You put the duffel on one of the better seats "We'll start with the next floor. This one was used for entrance exams and basic check ups, as well as housing for staff. Nothing important to learn here." You turned to look at everyone, they were looking around with worry "No need to be afraid, we are the only living things here." You waved them to follow you to the stairs, no way the elevator works anymore.

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