Leader has Arrived for Battle

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You had been working day in and day out, barely at home... barely gave G attention. He had noticed a few days ago. You would come in early in the morning and leave around 8. Hell some times he didn't think he saw you or heard you, did you even come home some mornings? Since you two had bonded he felt things from you. It was only ever stronger if you were closer, but because you had been so far away it was only tidbits. It felt like stress, shame and anxiety, but happiness lingered in his SOUL too. He wasn't sure what you were up to, he had asked but you only ever said  "Got a project going." Then left it at that. 

It had been a few months since you bonded and you two had moved out into a 1 room apartment closer to Gs' work at J.U.D.G.M.E.N.T. They hired him as a scientist, he lead a small department, you two didn't take on missions all that much anymore and he new you didn't have a job, so what 'project' were you working on? He asked your friends but they said they had no clue, normally you do little side things for whatever reason, most times it's out of curiosity, other times you had an idea you wanted to see get off the ground.

He stayed up late some nights to see if you came home, sometimes you did, sometimes you didn't. It didn't have a pattern either, you just showed up or didn't. He was getting pissed, yes you gave him attention when you were around. Yes you talked to him, yes you helped him with his lustful desires. But whenever he saw you, you were so pale, big bags under your eyes like you haven't slept in weeks (which your probably didn't) and he noticed you were getting a little to skinny for his tastes. Did you remember to eat?

He had, had enough. Toriel and offered an invitation to their beach house, everyone was going to be their for Asriels birthday and there was room for everyone, he greatly accepted, not just for himself but he knew it would be the great opportunity to get you to take a break form whatever you were doing. So when he had finally caught sight of you, drift to slumber in your shared bed he tied you up to the posts and waited.

You woke up to stretch and yawn when you realized you couldn't. Looking to your limbs you noticed they were tied to the posts as your legs were tied to each other, G sat at the end of the bed reading a joke book "Why am I tied?" You asked with narrowed eyes "Because I literally have to keep you from whatever the hell you are working on." He closed the book and looked at you "But it's important. Let me go." You wiggled in the ropes hold "No, I will make a deal with you." He crawled up your body never leaving your gaze "I want you to set aside a whole week, for Asriels' birthday, we are going to their cabin to hang with them for a week, then when we come back you can go about whatever the hell you are working on. Just a week." He gave you that 'I am to stubborn about this to falter just do it' look you knew to well.

It was rare when he used it, but you could never argue when he did. With a sigh you nodded "A week, that is it. Then I need to get back to work on my project." He gave a nod and went to untie you before stopping "Actually now that I think of it... where is that collar and leash, I want to have some fun." He mused getting off the bed and searching the closet. 


Undyne pulled into the driveway with speed. Her sense of driving skills is very lacking.  She had massive road rage, but you made it alive... for now. G and her grabbed the bags as you and Alphys went to show everyone you had arrived. With a few quick knocks to the door Toriel had opened it with a smile "Hello dears." She moved to the side to let you in "H-hello your M-majesty." Alphys greeted dragging her tail behind her "Hey Toriel." You hugged the goat monster, she giggled happily and hugged back "How are things, my child?" She rubbed your hair with her paw before pulling away "Great." You smiled as Undyne bolted into the cabin "Beat ya!" She shot back at G who was putting bags down "I wasn't racing." He rolled his pin pick looking at the fish women "How are you and Papyrus even related!? He is so energetic and you... lazy." She scuffed before greeting Toriel "If only you knew." G sighed closing the door, you frowned at his statement. 

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