Sight into the Future

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"Grandbabies!" Liliac cheered happily running up to the two eldest children. 

It had been 5 years since your life took an eventful turn. Getting scammed was probably the best damn thing that happened to you in all honesty. You had saved up and moved into an actual house. It was 5 bedrooms, the master bed room was yours, though you would wake up to 1 or all 3 male skellies sleeping next to you. They all had their own rooms because even with 5 years time, you still weren't all comfortable with being bonded to all 3 of them. Yes you had groan and slept with them... even had an orgy during your heats, but still. They each shared a room of their own, but they sneak into yours often. That left 3 other rooms for the kids, Roman had his own bed in the youngest (New borns) room. Lucipurr had a tower in the oldests.

It was hell for them to talk you into having kids. You wanted to, you just couldn't get passed the tokophobia till Toriel and Alphys agreed to help you out, Papyrus even offered, being the one to carry Impact. With all the support, and many attempts you ended up pregnant with your first child. G told you just 3 weeks after. You had fell asleep on the couch, you had been sleepy for the passed few days and when he went to pick you up to move you to your room he paused and looked you over. He felt it, he felt an extra SOUL inside you. He looked toward your stomach in thought before calling Gaster to make sure. 

You woke up to see G cuddling your stomach, Sans was watching tv and Gaster was making dinner. You questioned what G was doing to which he looked at you with hearts in his socket and he announced that you were in fact carrying his child. It was a green SOUL.

The next 9 months was hard. Every month, as your belly grew it clicked and re-clicked that you were carrying a child. It worried you, would it be sick, what if you were a horrible mother? You would have brief panic attacks, Sans would be there for them, having dealt with them in his past, he talked you through them, let you cry on him and let you vent your worries. To which he would reassure you that you were not alone, they would help you through everything. 

The labor hit you hard. You had been at a party at Asgores, everyone was their, all your friends. You water had broke and G instantly teleported you to the  J.U.D.G.M.E.N.T medical center, already being told by Liliac that was where she wanted her grandbabies to be born. Everyone else drove their as you worked on getting the kid out of you, G was there the whole time.

You had given birth to a baby girl, a skeleton with purple pin pricks. Alphys had checked her out when she got there and told you she was healthy, you held her in your arms and smothered her in kisses. Everyone had gone in to see her, spent some time then left for you and G to have some time with your new child. You agreed to name her after your dear sibling Mimi. G held her as you fell asleep.

The next child game 2 years later. You had more faith in your capabilities, but still a little worried. Sans was up to bat and knocked you up on the 2nd try. You had jumped into the shower 4 weeks after and he had popped in claiming he wanted to help wash your back. But as he wrapped his arms around you to give you a kiss on the shoulder he stiffened, you asked if something was wrong and he shook his head now rubbing your abdomen with his thumb and delivered the news. You gave happy tears and told the others. 

Sans actually worked around the house refusing to let you move around, you told him if the child grew up lazy like him you'd still love it, but blame him forever. He laughed at the thought. You water had broken when you were bathing, Gaster was the only one home but he thought it best to do a water birth. He told you to breath while he called Sans and Alphys. He held your hands as you pushed, hours later Sans had burst in the room with Alphys and rushed to you. Gaster moved out of the room for them as Alphys instructed you.

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